Reason 1: Chemistry encompasses a large number of scientific fields


Reason 1: Chemistry encompasses a large number of scientific fields

Chemistry is a scientific discipline, but at the same time, it encompasses many fields of knowledge and study, which go beyond the branches that belong exclusively to it, such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry or analytical chemistry.

In fact, we find many disciplines linked:

  • Biology : Biochemistry (understood as the study of the chemical composition of living beings (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids, as well as other small molecules present in cells) and the chemical reactions that these compounds undergo that allow obtaining energy and generating own biomolecules).
  • Mathematics : Mathematical chemistry.
  • Physics : Physical chemistry.
  • Computer Science : Computational Chemistry.
  • Pharmacy : Pharmaceutical chemistry.
  • Engineering : Chemical Engineering.
  • Medicine : Medical chemistry.

In fact, if you are passionate about any of these interdisciplines, you will need to have knowledge of chemistry, because they all have a chemical basis.

Do you need courses in industrial chemistry ? Count on us. Reason 1: Chemistry encompasses a large number of scientific fields

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