Russian keyboard: how to write in Cyrillic with a QWERTY?
Russian keyboard: how to write in Cyrillic with a QWERTY?
Do you have, like everyone else, a Spanish keyboard and want to write in Russian to your contacts on the Internet ? Nothing simpler!
The keyboards of our computers, now reproduced by tablets and mobiles, sometimes with a more or less successful touch version, are the result of old British typewriters, such as the portable Remington.
This original keyboard has undergone different changes to adapt to the linguistic imperatives of each culture or state, due to prohibitive mechanical limitations: pressing two keys together in a row was the best way to lock it …
In short, QWERTY is one of the most widely used keyboards on the planet , due to the ubiquity of English.

It is the lucky day for Russian students: it is possible to access various characters of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet with a Spanish-Spanish keyboard.
For this, a Russian keyboard must be installed in the operating system: so you can switch from one language to another, write in Spanish when you need it, and then in Russian, modifying the linguistic parameters (language bar on the taskbar, or settings panel often). There are also shortcuts, variables and even customization according to your computer.
This is the case of Vito, especially recommended for Windows; As a general rule, in Apple devices, a Russian keyboard is installed as standard.
In that case, you support a Spanish QWERTY key, but it no longer corresponds to what you are used to: the Russian spellings will appear!
To help you position yourself and find yourself in these inter-linguistic nooks, it is better to buy transparent stickers to stick them on your QWERTY keyboard : each key thus specifies the Latin character of origin (which is still visible), in addition to the Cyrillic letter.
Much less practical, but no installation required, are available online virtual keyboards , especially Lexogos : You need only to click on the letters to write your text in Russian!
Some modules, such as Transliterate , work in a phonetic way: it is practical, but it is not ideal in the long term, so that you do not get into bad habits …