Russian teacher: go to where the students are – PetsPedia

Russian teacher: go to where the students are


Russian teacher: go to where the students are

Find Russian learners in common places.
Find your future students around you.

To find students who want to learn Russian , you will have to go to different places.

Therefore, do not hesitate to place your ad in a short format as a business card that can be cut out in the places that these frequent:

  • libraries
  • primary schools
  • colleges
  • secondary schools
  • business School
  • universities
  • Russian language schools and associations
  • But also entertainment venues such as the cinema (perhaps on the occasion of the release of a Russian film), the gymnasium, the dance school, the conservatory …

To improve your phonetics, deepen your knowledge of Russian literature or improve your oral expression, you can meet your students anywhere.

You can offer Russian classes so that your students can reach an advanced level more quickly.

To avoid unfair competition, ask permission to place your ad, for example, in a language school. If the school already offers Russian classes, no … of course.

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