Senior Technician in Administration and Finance


Senior Technician in Administration and Finance

description: Senior Technician in Administration and Finance

You are just one step away from being able to work in an office, performing administration and finance tasks. With this training you need to become that professional that all companies and public administrations demand  for proper business management. Take that professional leap you’ve been wanting to do for so long!

In Campus Training they will prepare you with a complete training program that, once completed,  will allow you to take the theoretical part of the free access tests to the official FP qualification . 

With this training you will have a personalized study plan adapted to your study rhythm. In addition, you will have several channels for you to make all the queries you need and a continuous evaluation system that will ensure that you are successful in your training and that you have assimilated all the concepts before moving on to the next lesson.

course objectives: Senior Technician in Administration and Finance

Upon completion of this course, you will have learned to:

  • Process documents or internal or external communications in the company’s information circuits.
  • Prepare documents and communications based on orders received, information obtained and / or needs detected.
  • Classify, record and file communications and documents according to the appropriate techniques and the parameters established in the company.
  • Manage the business administrative processing processes in relation to the commercial, financial, accounting and tax areas, with an integrating vision of them.
  • Carry out the accounting and fiscal management of the company, according to the administrative processes and procedures, applying current regulations and under conditions of safety and quality.
  • Supervise the treasury management, the raising of financial resources and the feasibility study of investment projects, following the established rules and protocols.
  • Organize and supervise the administrative management of company personnel, complying with current labor regulations and established protocols.
  • Carry out the administrative management of commercial processes, carrying out documentation tasks and negotiation activities with suppliers and advice and customer relations.
  • Process and carry out the administrative management in the presentation of documents in different organisms and public administrations in the required time and form.

job opportunities: Senior Technician in Administration and Finance

With this training you will prepare to work as:

  • Office clerk
  • Commercial administrative
  • Financial administrative
  • Accounting clerk
  • Banking and insurance administrative
  • Human Resources Administrative
  • Administrative of the Public Administration
  • Administrative of legal, accounting, labor, tax or agency consultancies
  • Collections management technician

Professional practices

When you finish your theoretical training in Campus Training, you will carry out  between 60 and 300 professional practical hours in administration and accounting departments . The best opportunity to apply your knowledge,  add a work experience to your resume  and expand your network of contacts.

In addition, once you have passed the free tests,  the Autonomous Community where you have taken the exam will be in charge of offering you the official practices of your FP . The  Training in Workplaces is a mandatory professional training module  which is offered at all levels both mid – grade and top grade and  takes place in a company in your sector.


With this preparation you will be able to obtain the official Title of Superior Technician in  Administration and Finance . In addition, you will obtain the following private degrees:

  • Own title of Campus Training: Administration and Finance (570 h) .
  • Accreditation of Occupational Risk Prevention (basic level).
  • Accreditation of the chosen language.

In addition, once you have passed the official tests of your Autonomous Community, you will obtain the Official Title of higher degree .

previous requirements

To take the free Professional Training tests you must comply with:

  • AGE
    • To be able to access these tests you must  be 20 years old or 19 years old if you are in possession of the Technician title .

Graduate Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education , or a higher academic level.

Baccalaureate degree , or a certificate certifying having passed all the Baccalaureate subjects.

Title of Technician  or Auxiliary Technician or equivalent for academic purposes (this requirement may vary according to the Autonomous Community, requiring, where appropriate, to be from the same professional family or not establishing this requirement)

Title of Superior Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent for academic purposes.

Having passed the second year of any type of  experimental Baccalaureate, Middle Grade training cycle or the University entrance exams for those over 25 years of age .

The calls for free tests depend on each Autonomous Community. They are held once a year on an ordinary basis and, in many cases, an extraordinary call is held.


teaching materials

  • Occupational Risk Prevention (basic level) (independent evaluation) (40 hours)
  • Telepresence e-learning classes in the areas of: Labor Insertion · Accounting · Communication · FOL and Business · Computer Science · English · Marketing · Mathematics · Occupational Risk Prevention
  • Contaplus e-learning
  • Facturaplus e-learning
  • NominaPlus e-learning
  • Study techniques and memory optimization: video tutorials with skills trainer.
  • Excel and word e-learning: audiovisual guides with exercises to do step by step with the teacher
  • Face-to-face seminars in the areas of: job orientation, English and FOL (Subject to availability according to delegation)
  • Training in English with preparation for official Cambridge and Oxford exams (12 months) or access to the TMM platform of the language of your choice

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