Senior Technician in Development of Multiplatform Applications


Senior Technician in Development of Multiplatform Applications

description: Senior Technician in Development of Multiplatform Applications

With the course for the preparation of the Higher Technician in Multiplatform Application Development entrance  exams,  you can become an expert in server operating systems and network services.

In Campus Training they will prepare you with a complete training program that, once completed,  will allow you to take the theoretical part of the free access tests to the official FP qualification . The study program is adapted to Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education (LOE).

With this training you will have a personalized study plan adapted to your study rhythm. In addition, you will have several channels for you to make all the queries you need and a continuous evaluation system that will ensure that you are successful in your training and that you have assimilated all the concepts before moving on to the next lesson.

course objectives: Senior Technician in Development of Multiplatform Applications

Upon completion of this course, you will have learned to:

  • Train professionals with full competence in systems administration, internet services and electronic messaging, networks and telecare so that they can perform tasks as IT manager, technical support manager or systems supervisor.
  • Prepare specialists who can manage databases, evaluate the performance of hardware devices, manage users and determine the infrastructure of telematic networks, integrating communications equipment.

job opportunities: Senior Technician in Development of Multiplatform Applications

With this training you will be able to carry out your activity mainly in companies performing your work in the area of  development of multiplatform computer applications in various areas : business and business management, customer relations, education, leisure, mobile devices and entertainment, among others; applications developed and implemented in intranet, extranet and Internet scope environments; implementation and adaptation of business resource planning and customer relationship management systems.

Professional practices

Once the free tests have been passed,  the Autonomous Community where you have been examined will be in charge of offering you the corresponding internships in companies . In this way, you will be able to put into practice everything you are learning while you acquire the necessary work experience to become the professional you want to be.

The  Training in Workplaces is a mandatory professional training module  which is offered at all levels both mid – grade and top grade and  takes place in a company in your sector.


With this preparation you will be able to obtain the official title of Superior Technician in Multiplatform Applications Development. In addition, you will obtain the following private degrees:

  • Campus Training own title: Multiplatform Applications Development Course (570 h) .
  • Accreditation of Occupational Risk Prevention (basic level).
  • Accreditation of the chosen language.

In addition, once you have passed the official tests of your Autonomous Community, you will obtain the Official Title of higher degree .

previous requirements

To take the free Professional Training tests you must comply with:

  • AGE
    • To be able to access these tests you must  be 20 years old or 19 years old if you are in possession of the Technician title .

Graduate Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education , or a higher academic level.

Baccalaureate degree , or a certificate certifying having passed all the Baccalaureate subjects.

Title of Technician  or Auxiliary Technician or equivalent for academic purposes (this requirement may vary according to the Autonomous Community, requiring, where appropriate, to be from the same professional family or not establishing this requirement)

Title of Superior Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent for academic purposes.

Having passed the second year of any type of  experimental Baccalaureate, Middle Grade training cycle or the University entrance exams for those over 25 years of age .

The calls for free tests depend on each Autonomous Community. They are held once a year on an ordinary basis and, in many cases, an extraordinary call is held.


teaching materials

-E-learning Occupational Risk Prevention (basic level) (independent evaluation). 40 hours.

-Telepresence classes in the areas of: Technicians, Communication, Labor Orientation, Occupational Risk Prevention, English, Computer Science, Mathematics, FOL and Business.

– Face-to-face seminars: job orientation, FOL and English (subject to availability according to delegation).

-Study techniques and memory optimization: video tutorials with skills trainer.

-Training in English with preparation for official Cambridge and Oxford exams (12 months) or access to the TMM platform of the language of your choice.

-Excel and word e-learning: audiovisual guides with exercises to be carried out step by step with the teacher.

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