Speak English without leaving Spain – PetsPedia

Speak English without leaving Spain


Speak English without leaving Spain


We always hear that, to be bilingual, it is essential to go to live in an English-speaking country.

Yes, obviously, it is an excellent solution.

However, there are people who do not have the time or the money to spend a few months in the US or England.

If this is your case, but you want to be as fluent in English as in Spanish, there are solutions.

The first is simply to find an interlocutor . You can be mother tongue English, bilingual English Spanish or you are learning the Spanish language. It depends on what you want, depending on your knowledge of the language.

In any case, choosing an interlocutor is ideal to converse with an English speaker. Either by email, by chat or by Skype , you will have the possibility to chat about different topics. Perfect for learning new expressions and knowing more about cultural aspects of the English language.

If you live in the Catalan capital, take a look at our English classes in Barcelona .

By letter, email, chat or Skype: there are many ways to be in contact with your interlocutor.

Another possibility (or need): take a radical approach to language . Indeed, living in an English-speaking country is effective because you are in total immersion . The idea is therefore to reproduce this on a small scale, without leaving your family environment.

For that, think about putting all your devices in English. Starting with your mobile. Do not forget the computer, the TV, the electrical appliances or the GPS. In short, you don’t have to have anything in Spanish.

Once you have changed the language of all the objects around you, get yourself books in the original version, movies, CDs or video games in English . It depends on your preferences.

What is interesting with literature is that by reading, you improve your vocabulary, spelling and grammar.

If you complement it with watching movies and series (in the original version with subtitles first and then without subtitles), you will be able to practice listening comprehension. You can also imitate the accent and pronunciation of English or American actors.

Your favorite English groups also offer you the opportunity to become familiar with the English language.

Music is also an excellent learning aid, because you can listen to it as many times as you need without getting tired.

Because, to do it well, you have to listen to the same song or the same movie until you can fully understand what they are saying, without outside help.

Thus, to be bilingual without traveling, your learning has to be based on different aspects:

The fact of always being attentive to English (do not hesitate to have a notebook to write down your comments or new vocabulary);

The repetition ;

The transformation of your environment from Spanish to English;

And above all: enjoy improving your skills . Speak English without leaving Spain

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