Stages to create your own choreography


Stages to create your own choreography

Improvise to dance.
Improvisation is the foundation of any dance!

Okay, you already know some choreography but what excites you is creating your own choreography. What happens is that you don’t know where to start … Being a choreographer seems to be out of your reach at the moment. However, with organization and perseverance, you will create your first choreography easily.

Come on, we help you! Try our dance classes Madrid if you live in the capital.

First of all, contrary to popular belief, creating a choreography isn’t just for experienced students. The sooner you start trying to create, the more easily you will achieve it. Plus, it’s still a great way to have even more fun, don’t you think?

These are the different steps to create a choreography:

  • Choose your dance style : easy if you already have! Don’t embark on a flamenco, afro or disco choreography if you don’t have the basics. The goal is not to learn a dance, but to use your knowledge of a style to express yourself through your own creation.
  • Choose the music : because dance is nothing without music (although it is possible to choreograph in silence, but frankly it is not attractive …). Do not choose music by default or because it is fashionable. Choose music that transmits something to you, that makes you want to dance, tells you a story … In short, music should be the basis of your dance.
  • Analyze the music : you will have to study the music a little to know the different musical phrases of the song, accents, pauses, accelerations … Analyze the structure of the song: the chorus, the choruses, the stanzas …
  • Improvise : dance is not just a sport, it is also an art. So let yourself go and improvise with this music that inspires you. As it is sometimes difficult to remember what we do when we improvise, feel free to record yourself to be able to identify the steps that you do want to keep.
  • Put the pieces together : Like a puzzle, start assembling the different choreographed parts. There will be gaps, but it does not matter. Adjust the parts you already have to get a better representation.
  • Look for steps for transitions – it ‘s time to fill in the gaps. Take a look at the videos of your improvisations again to find movements that you can recycle. If that doesn’t work, re-record yourself again while you jam on these parts. You will end up finding something!

The beginning and the end of the choreography must be particularly careful, it is what will transfer the audience to your universe and will make a good impression on them. Don’t try to leave technique behind everywhere and organize moments of calm between the most dynamic moments. Use all the space you have, include displacements if you are alone on stage. Stages to create your own choreography

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