Steam Deck of different colors: Valve does not rule it out if sales work


Steam Deck of different colors: Valve does not rule it out if sales work

Although the console will only be released in black, many possibilities were raised.

Steam deck

Since its announcement, we have not stopped having interesting information about Steam Deck , Valve’s new console . The device will hit the market with different models with some hardware variants, however, regarding the aesthetic section of the machine, Valve has only proposed a single model in black , but if the console is a success it could have many more versions in different colors or even with different finishes.

 Different questions were raised about the possible colorsThis same question has been collected by the people of PCgamer in an article in which they talk about their visit to Valve’s offices. The designers of the machine, Tucker Spofford and Greg Coomer , spoke about the possible colors of the notebook and confessed that “there was much debate”. Coomer commented that different questions were raised about the possible colors for the new Valve console, “some very funny” he commented, even the feasibility of having many different colors was raised .

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It is something that depends on the sales of the consoleAs in most launch consoles, it is only planned to manufacture it in a single color, this has to do with the ease of manufacturing a single version and logistical reasons , Coomer explained. “Having many different references on the market makes everything more complicated, there is no more important reason than that for there not to be more colors today.”

Coomer also comments that there could be different colors in the future, but that it is something that depends on the console working in sales . If that happens Coomer has ensured that there would be many opportunities to present color variants in the future. 

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