Study Latin and all Latin civilization


Study Latin and all Latin civilization

In the didactic programs of the Latin subject we observe that the objective is not so much to learn to speak Latin, as to acquire a global vision of the Roman civilization as a whole.

Latin must have appeared around 1000 BC.  C. in central Italy.
The history of Latin begins in the 8th century BC. C.

In class, students will be able to study the entire heritage of Rome, both linguistically and historically, politically, scientifically, culturally, socially and artistically.

The teaching of the language and culture of Antiquity focuses more on the knowledge of the daily life of the Romans than on the ability to translate a text into Latin or recite the declensions of a Latin verb by heart.

The Roman civilization spanning 13 centuries of history, from the founding of Rome on the banks of the Tiber (Latium) river in 573 a. C. to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476. Only three political systems followed one another:

  • The monarchy: from -753 to -509,
  • The republic: from -509 to -27,
  • The empire: from -27 to 476.

Historians consider that archaic Latin originated during the entire period of the Roman monarchy: in the absence of written remains, we know that the last kings of Rome used the Etruscan alphabet, while the population used archaic Latin.

The techniques and know-how of the Romans – among the most advanced of antiquity – leave a large part of their admirers speechless.

Learning Latin also means becoming aware of the literary production, painting, sculpture, architecture or mosaic decoration of the Roman world that still persists today.

Many constructions attest to the ingenuity of the Roman builders and the stubbornness of the people of the time: a whole society founded on working for the splendor and might of the empire.  Study Latin and all Latin civilization

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