The 3 Most Successful Content Types of 2020


The 3 Most Successful Content Types of 2020

Do you know what the best content was in 2020? discover and enhance your strategy for this 2021

The 3 Most Successful Content Types of 2020


2020 has been a year of great curiosities, expectations, struggles and other situations, however, social networks have become the number 1 platforms for people and companies to share their days by days or processes. And it is not new why, in the face of social isolation, everyone wanted to communicate and share through social sites. 

For that reason in this article we will mention the best digital content in 2020 for social networks and we take the opportunity to leave you this article: Why do content marketing? 

What are the most used social networks in 2020? 

The first thing is to know which are the most used social networks in 2020, since within this vision the situation plays an important and definitive role for user consumption. 

More than 4.5 billion people in the world use the internet, this is 60% of inhabitants and more than 3.8 billion already use social networks, this result is more than 321 million users compared to 2019. This shows that the impact of social media is on the rise the greater the innovation and need. 

According to the Digital in 2020 study at a global level, the most used networks are the following:

1. Facebook continues to lead the number place within the platforms and applications with the highest users and most time in hours of consumption. 

2. YouTube is empowered around the world to provide teaching, learning and entertainment, within these it has been seen that the streaming and interaction of famous YouTubers increased. 

3. WhatsApp is a constant and personal application that during social isolation has been promoted to be a sales site, as well as a place to communicate for ease and direct relationship.

4. FB Messenger is in the list but below WhatsApp which shows that users prefer direct contact with the target person. 

Where is Instagram and TikTok? 

Instagram until the month of January ranked 6th and TikTok evolved over time in an extraordinary and fast way. It could be said that it is the stellar social network of the pandemic. You could see from a 5 year old to an older person having fun and recording a video to post it on their personal profile. 

We tell you more about the rules of content in social networks 2020. To generate greater engagement and connect with the audience it is important to give them what they are looking for, want and need. The time of the pandemic that we have been going through taught us that people look for interactive content that makes them participate, that seeks to connect the company in a friendly and close way. 

What types of content are best for social networks? 


One of the trends in social networks that is here to stay is video formats, that’s right, consumers love to see your services and products up close. Know the functions, features and more. At the same time they offer a higher ROI than other content, this leads to increased traffic and visits. 

How does the video content strategy work?

The first thing is to define what is the market niche and defined strategy, from these aspects, the videos will improve the exposure of the brand (values ​​and style) also, it helps to increase sales because there will be an exhibition of products. 

It is important that the video content is mostly vertical (except on YouTube), this is due to mobile phones and the massive use that is in consumption within these devices.

For that reason, if you want your social media strategies to succeed, you should think about making content in a mobile format. It is only a matter of visiting any page on social networks to observe that the established content does not require you to rotate the screen. 

IMPORTANT: Subtitle the videos

A study showed that 85% of posts on FB are consumed without sound and this is normal. Users are constantly consuming content while moving through their daily routine.

2. Stories

Stories are a great tool in image format or short videos and available for 24 hours and if you use Instagram, within the application there is a section called “Featured” here you can save the most relevant stories of your brand. 

The importance of stories as content strategies is that they create direct communication with followers in an active and friendly way.

Some attractive content ideas for clients: 

-Share a teaser about the product or service before its launch. 

-Share the production of how you assemble the videos to create a loyal family. 

-Create surveys to find out the preferences of users. 

-Perform live and actively interact with the community 

-Make collaborations with influencers 

-Share the content created by users in relation to your brand

Thus, audiovisual posts generate a great impact on sales because they “teach” and users want to “see” to encourage the process of buying or acquiring products. In recent months, the excellent reception of the TikTok application with short videos has been unleashed. For this reason, we affirm that content is “king” and videos are a connection between “likes” or “I like”, comments, reactions and emojis. 

This is the true key of the videos in which they are creators or generators of engagement.

3. Infographics

Did you know that this type of content is shared 3 times more than any other content with text. It happens that users are often distracted while reading with external audiovisual resources. It is for this reason that by providing graphic figures that explain and at the same time are visually attractive, the user will stay and share the information.

Next, we will give you 5 tips to optimize content for social networks 

1. Define your objectives, that is, be clear about what you want to achieve with the campaigns. 

2. Boost and optimize the content, look for a relationship between the publications and what you want to show.

3. Include Call to Action, if you want to say something to your clients, don’t waste time. Say it and of course! 

4. Segment, it is important that you know which public is interested in your content and what they are looking for to attack on that side and benefit you. 

5. Provide valuable content, users do not share publications if they do not find it entertaining, good and satisfactory.

In conclusion, you must put yourself in the shoes of your consumers, give them what they want and yearn for, it is not enough to have a page on a social network to compete with the growth of other brands. If what you are looking for is for your strategy to work, you must involve your target audience, if so, you will have your entire target audience interacting, consuming and sharing your content.

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