The advantages of taking group support classes
The advantages of taking group support classes
Many students are concerned that their school difficulties will lead them to repeat a year and before this they choose to look for a teacher who will give them totally personalized private classes and help them get ahead.
And you may wonder, in these cases we can opt for group classes? According to Patrick Rayou, professor of educational sciences at the University of Paris, there is a “bipolarization in our school system between” good “and” bad “students,” which only becomes more acute over time.
Are you aware of the differences between individual and group classes?: The advantages of taking group support classes
In fact, social origin plays a very important role in the academic success of students. Students who were born and raised in a lower-class family are usually the most affected by school failure, and they also cannot afford to take home school support classes because they do not have the means. financial requirements.
Despite the drawbacks of tutoring classes (which tend to benefit mainly the middle and upper classes), we identified a very large number of benefits, for all subjects and all educational levels.
To start with, let’s take a look at the benefits of group classes for students.
Collective learning, in small groups of up to 10 students, allows students to share a single experienced teacher, thereby reducing individual costs per session.
Additionally, students can use this time to share doubts, learn from their peers’ questions, and help each other build their knowledge.
In short, in addition to the learning advantages of group classes, we find that this teaching method offers much more affordable rates, making it an ideal option for families with fewer resources.
Group classes also allow students to create a social bond and gain self-confidence. As they should take the floor in each class (be it math, English, Spanish or technology) they get used to speaking in public and little by little they gain confidence.
Speaking in public in foreign language classes with the group will help students feel more comfortable and help them to progress both in speaking and listening. Not bad at all, don’t you think?
Some subjects are more suitable than others for group classes : Spanish language, literature, or language classes, in general, tend to be easier to take in groups, since they favor spoken intellectual exchange, unlike other subjects more techniques, such as mathematics or chemistry, which perhaps require a different exchange, through drawings, diagrams, etc. After all, to solve an equation, make a table of variations or an integral calculation, it is usually easier to review the exercises on paper,
Group classes allow for a more playful approach to learning. For example, students can use the sessions to correct each other and “learn to learn” together.
The traditional roles of the school are blurred: competition between students, the limits of authority …, disappear for the sake of collaboration and cooperation.
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In short, group classes are usually held in a specialized classroom , ideal for an exchange between teachers and students. In small groups, the teacher offers regular follow-up to each student in a much more efficient way than in a class of 30 or 35 students, such as those that we usually find in Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate schools.
The students engage fully in the learning process as they can, between classes, and so completely autonomously, find answers to your questions and do exercises to enrich their knowledge and take advantage of the maximum sessions with their teachers.