The best game in the Silent Hill saga according to VidaExtra readers is …


The best game in the Silent Hill saga according to VidaExtra readers is …

El mejor juego de la saga Silent Hill según los lectores de VidaExtra es...

One of the greatest exponents of horror in video games is Silent Hill . Konami bet in 1999 on psychological fear , as opposed to Capcom’s bet with its Resident Evil saga . And the result was shocking, creating behind it a series of high-level sequels until the Japanese giant delegated to other studios until we took the biggest disappointment of our life with the cancellation of PT, which was going to mean his triumphant return. with Silent Hills .

Counting official releases and spin-offs are more than a dozen games, and in view of the buzz with Abandoned our question of the week on the official VidaExtra Discord was mandatory. And also for dreaming of his return. I wish…

What is the best Silent Hill and why?

Here Ari was the first person to break the ice with the question, with a mention of his answer from last week’s Metal Gear debate :

Again (comparing to the case of MGS) I will have to opt for the original, the Silent Hill 1 of PS1 was the one that innovated, the one that introduced the city; and its history, setting and music were spectacular. The first time I felt terror in a video game and it marked my childhood (and my nightmares) . Little more I can say, although the others who continued the saga were memorable too, the first had that aura of mystery and just remembering the music of the intro makes my hair stand on end. An unforgettable and unforgettable experience.

El futuro de Konami debería pasar por darle vida a todas estas sagas que nos marcaron

The future of Konami should go through giving life to all these sagas that marked us

Amadeus_dark , meanwhile, pulls a bit of joke by saying …

Undoubtedly this one: Silent Hill for Pachinko Machine.

Obviously, it wasn’t true. He fully agrees with Ari:

Now seriously, I’ve only played the first one and it’s a great game.

Although he has only enjoyed the first Silent Hill of 1999 , his first response is still a veiled criticism towards the sad direction of Konami with several of its most sacred sagas, especially after the painful departure of Hideo Kojima .

As for alberto_luengo , his heart is divided:

Rationally, the 2. Emotionally, the 1 with its silent piano puzzle, its baby cries and its ending UFO.

Las cancelaciones más dolorosas de esta generación

The most painful cancellations of this generation

At VidaExtra we made our own “worst to best” list on Silent Hill , but now we would like to hear your opinion in the comments to see if there is unanimity on the first two Silent Hill . What is your absolute favorite?

Thank you very much for participating , on the other hand. This week we will leave you a new debate with another question that we will propose directly from our Discord.

Discord | Join the official VidaExtra server The best game in the Silent Hill saga according to VidaExtra readers is …

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