The best Spanish photographers


The best Spanish photographers

In Spain, more and more people are passionate about photography, so you will find many photography schools and associations that teach this artistic discipline to both beginners and advanced.

Cityscape, portraits of women or men, fashion photography … Spain is full of subjects for apprentices!

Here are some of the best Spanish photographers :

  • Tino Soriano
  • Bleda and Rosa
  • Cristina Garcia Rodero
  • Ramon Masats
  • Chema Madoz
  • Miguel Trillo
  • Alberto Garcia-Alix
  • Carlos Pérez Siquier
  • Shell Prada
  • Iñigo Plaza Cano

If you are lucky enough to live in a big city, you can even admire the works of our most popular photographers. In fact, there are many  exhibitions dedicated to photography , especially in Madrid: you will probably find other students who are passionate about photography!

Both in class and in a self-taught way, it is advisable to admire the snapshots of the best Spanish photographers with your own eyes; you will be able to develop your artistic side and your  critical gaze  on other photographic works.

If you live in Barcelona, ​​you may be interested in signing up for a Barcelona photography course . The best Spanish photographers

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