The creators of Flight Simulator are aware that fans want helicopters and are aiming for 2022
The creators of Flight Simulator are aware that fans want helicopters and are aiming for 2022
It is one of the most demanded requests of a game that arrives in a few days on Xbox Series X | S.

Microsoft Flight Simulator continues to promise new content as it prepares the landing gear for the Xbox Series in just a few days. Asobo Studio’s latest development update takes a look at what’s to come to the aerial simulator, focusing on the possibilities of the Orbis Flying Eye Hospital , a cargo plane converted to provide eye care to many countries that cannot afford it, in a collaboration for the Microsoft game that will be available from July 27.
Helicopters are in development planning for 2022In the responses to the content update they take a look at the requests that the community is requesting since the launch. Among them, the most prominent, with more than 1,500 votes , is the incorporation of helicopters to Flight Simulator. If all goes to plan, they are on the roadmap as content planned to release in 2022, but nothing totally closed.
This would satisfy fans who want more types of aerial vehicles to be added, as helicopters can provide a little more versatility. At the end of the year, in November, military aircraft are also scheduled to arrive . We will have to wait more to be able to pilot helicopters, although surely those in charge will soon begin to show details.
On the next roadmap is the Sim Update V update to all versions of the game, with a new aircraft called the Aviat Husky A-1C arriving in early August. This will be the 29th of July, the date on which the game finally comes to Xbox Series X | S .