The different ways of sewing by machine


The different ways of sewing by machine

Now that you know a little more about the parts of a sewing machine and its basic functions, it is time to start sewing.

On the Internet you will find playful tutorials to learn how to sew the different possible stitches with your machine:

  • Sew straight,
  • Sew a right angle,
  • Sew a broken line,
  • Sew in the round,
  • Sew an applique,
  • Overcast, etc.

Go to sewing classes to learn how to use your sewing machine

If really the instructions, the tutorials on the Internet and the advice of the seller have not been enough, you can always go to a sewing class to learn how to use your machine well.

Since it is not necessarily intuitive to use this machine that can be scary, taking a class will not cost you very much.

And psssst, at Superprof, the first class is usually free , you’re welcome !

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