Open your eyes to business reality, digital is here to stay! Don’t be left behind.: THE IMPORTANCE OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN TRADITIONAL COMPANIES

In recent years there has been a change in the consumption habits of the population, and this transformation brings with it a growth higher than the average for digital and collaborative companies. In this sense, from the ICT consultancy Setesca they explain that there are many companies that are lagging behind in their digital strategy , adding that if these companies do not transform and adapt to the new digital consumption model, within ten years 25% of these will have radically changed or will no longer exist.

Following this line, most experts affirm that the change in the consumption model is accelerating more and more, due to the fact that the rate at which consumers adopt new products and services based on technologies is much greater than the rate of adaptation of professionals from traditional companies to new management techniques. For this reason, it is very important that companies gradually transform themselves and adopt the necessary strategies to adapt and to adapt their workers to the new possibilities offered by the market. If a change of direction is not made in the policy of traditional companies, they will not be able to compete on equal terms.

It must also be taken into account that new professionals must be prepared, in most cases, to work in a different way than usual, since, with the exception of “neighborhood” businesses, strategies must be carried out to reach any customer in any market through any channel. And it is that one of the fundamental characteristics of these new consumption habits is that they are turning the world into a single global market, to which any company has to be able to aspire. We cannot forget that in this new global market, customers are increasingly demanding in terms of price and immediacy.

Adapt to the digital age

We must also focus on the retail sector if we talk about digital transformation , since according to Forrester data, by 2020 the income of companies that will be influenced by digital channels will have gone from 25% that there is currently to 47% , but there are only 19% of companies prepared for this digital change. This means that merchants will be able to multiply their digital income if they manage to make the digital transformation on time. And, the influence of digital channels in business is increasing, and not only through direct sales. This is because there are more and more ways to promote the products and services of a company, even if there is no direct purchase through the Internet.

This digital transformation is something that companies and executives know, since 46% of them believe that by 2020 half of their sales will be influenced by digital channels. This is the data that could be read in the Forrester survey on the state of digital business . In addition, from this data it can be learned that managers are aware of the potential of the new digital age and that their company will know how to make the necessary changes to take advantage of digital.

The Forrester study also warns that digital channels are approaching a point of no return, as over the next few years, companies will see how digital increasingly affects their revenues. And it is that many companies are not prepared for this change since they need to improve their workforce in terms of better digital talent. According to the Forrester report, only 19% of companies are prepared to face this digital transformation.

In the specific case of our country, only 27% of companies have created new jobs to cover their new digital needs , according to data provided by ESIC’s Institute of Digital Economy, ICEMD. Although not everything is bad news, since more than 60% of Spanish companies have developed the main digital functions, with 96% that have a website , 73% that have a presence on social networks and 56% that already sells over the Internet through its online store .

Do not be left behind, if you still do not have a website that attracts all the potential customers who are looking for your services online, you are wasting time and money. Ask us what you need: an intranet , a blog , an online store or e-commerce , a corporate website , an online survey , web positioning , creation and management of social networks , a comprehensive online marketing plan , a study of keywords … etc. 

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