The interest of home school support
The interest of home school support
According to a 2014 Opinion Way poll, 84% of parents believe that success in school is of paramount importance to their child’s future.
However, many Spanish students are confronted with school failure every year.
Whose fault is it?
If we believe the recent studies carried out by education specialists, the children would mainly blame the indifference of the teachers of the educational system.
Listening: an essential quality to ensure the progression of a student.
It is a fact that classes in Spain are often full (up to 30 students per class): it is therefore impossible for teachers to be able to take care of themselves individually and do a personalized follow-up of each student. In this case, school support offers several advantages .
And it’s a shame, because children need your full attention, as explained by Jason Okonufa, editor of a study with the aim of demonstrating the importance of teachers in the school success of students, in an interview given to the Huffington Post of the May 1, 2016:
“Taking an interest in this relationship makes it possible to humanize students and not see them only as labels, but as growing people, who with the necessary help can change, learn to behave in a more appropriate way.”
Many parents decide to resort to home school support , which has many advantages: The interest of home school support
Alleviate the errors of the educational system,
Consolidate the student’s knowledge,
Perfect the student’s knowledge and intellectual abilities,
Improve concentration,
Explain the doubts to avoid having to repeat,
Improve your average grade,
Prepare important exams (partial, final, PAU …),
Review the classes to pass the continuous assessment, etc.
In addition, the private teacher fulfills the function of pedagogical advisor with his student: by diagnosing his priorities and strengths, the student will then be able to follow an academic itinerary that is adapted to his personal projects.
Alternating serious and playful classes in which good communication prevails, the private teacher will know how to provide your children with an effective school accompaniment.