The Madison dance: a classic!


The Madison dance: a classic!

We do not leave the United States to talk about another very successful style: the Madison dance .

Whether at a wedding or company party, it’s no wonder some bring out their best Madison steps with songs like Chris Anderson and DJ Robbie’s “Last Night .”

Madison is played with country music , an iconic style of American culture. Both the smallest and the oldest can enjoy this particular style.

Also, did you know that this style appears in the movie Hairspray ? What are you waiting to start dancing?

If you want to learn the basic steps of Madison , you can:

  • Sign up for a dance school.
  • Receive classes from a private teacher.
  • Read dance manuals.
  • Watch Madison dance videos.
  • Check mobile dance apps.
  • Visit Madison websites.
  • Watch didactic DVDs on dance.

Thanks to its relatively simple steps, the Madison dance can be adapted to all levels, from the most beginner to the most expert. Practicing this style allows us to avoid the development of diseases such as osteoarthritis. In fact, there are courses specially designed for the elderly.

As a family, with friends or as a couple: master the Madison choreography to shine at any party! The Madison dance: a classic!

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