The objectives that must be achieved to have a good level of Arabic


The objectives that must be achieved to have a good level of Arabic

Arabic is one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn, along with Chinese, Japanese or Korean. Without a doubt, you will have to work hard to achieve a good level of the language, but if you are constant and motivated, you will surely achieve it.

These are some of the objectives that you must meet to have a good level: The objectives that must be achieved to have a good level of Arabic

be able to dialogue and communicate in Arabic on different topics
understand news, debates, speeches, films and documentaries
being able to read and write in Arabic: modern Arabic literature, the press, elements of standard Arabic and some texts of dialect Arabic
understand and explain any written or oral text
be able to interpret, rewrite and reformulate a text
construct a clear, concise and specific argument both orally and in writing
After a few years of study, effort and perseverance, you can proudly say that you have a good level of Arabic if you know how to do everything on the list. Your efforts will have been worth it!

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