The price of a sewing class in Spain
The price of a sewing class in Spain

Before talking about prices, it would be convenient to know that learning to sew is within everyone’s reach . The only thing you should take into account, at least at the beginning, is what your personal project is, since that will determine the content you want to give in your embroidery classes:
- Do you want to become a dressmaker?
- Do you want to make your clothes in a more creative way?
- Do you want to learn how to sew and embroider to know how to hem or patch?
- Do you want to learn how to make your own wedding dress for your big day?
Based on this first criterion, you will be able to see how the prices of the sewing classes vary . However, you must also take into account other criteria such as:
- The city where you will take classes (sewing classes in Madrid, classes in another Spanish city, classes in a town …);
- the nature of the sewing classes ( knitting classes , a sewing job, making clothing);
- the duration and frequency of the classes (annual classes, evening classes, weekend classes …);
- the experience and reputation of the teacher (graduate in sewing, former professionally reconverted stylist);
- have a Singer-type sewing machine or a basic sewing kit .
Don’t be surprised to see how prices skyrocket in Madrid , as competition is greater among art creation ateliers . In the other cities, the prices may seem more affordable. However, this also varies depending on the type of class: online sewing classes, at a sewing school, with a freelance teacher, etc.
Here you will find a summary of the prices of the sewing classes in Spain , which, of course, are given as an indication:
The level of the classes (beginner or advanced), your knowledge in terms of assembly or hand sewing, the expected contents, etc., could make the price of the classes vary (both for and against) sewing.
My favorite workshop consisted of learning the basics of sewing and, above all, the lexicon associated with sewing materials: bobbin, threading, types of fabrics … None of these words kept a secret for me. I’m no longer that beginner who didn’t even know which sewing machine to choose.