The procedures to go to study in the Arab countries


The procedures to go to study in the Arab countries

Beware: any trip to an Arabic-speaking country needs prior preparation!: The procedures to go to study in the Arab countries

Apply for your student visa: one of the first procedures to be able to go to an Arab country.
There is a more or less considerable amount of paperwork that you must complete before leaving, but they vary from country to country.
The steps to the Arab world have a common denominator: you will have to pay tuition fees (sometimes high) and apply for a student visa or a residence permit.
According to UNESCO, 12.3% of Middle Eastern students prefer the United Arab Emirates to continue their higher education according to UNESCO, and 8.5% of them go to Jordan.
The best destinations to learn Arabic would be, according to the natives, Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

Why?: The procedures to go to study in the Arab countries

Because the Arabic spoken in this region of the world approximates Modern Standard Arabic, a standardized literary Arabic that can be understood by most Arabic-speaking populations.
Indeed, Moroccan or Tunisian Arabic, for example, has been influenced by the Berber peoples, and differs widely from the Mashrek peoples , whose mother tongue is a dialect Arabic called “Levantine.”
Levantine is the closest dialect to the form most commonly taught in Spanish universities: Egyptian Arabic.
Let’s go back to what interests us: to study in Dubai, Amman or Cairo, you must apply for a student visa.
To study in Cairo, for example, the authorities issue a tourist visa, the price of which is $ 15, with which you can request an extension of your stay for studies once there.

Do you want to study in Dubai?

The student visa, valid for 12 months, can cost up to € 700 depending on the situation, and universities apply enrollment fees of up to € 15,000!
You also need the sponsorship of the host university and sometimes a letter of recommendation.
Bear in mind that the cost of living in Dubai is very high, which is why many students apply for a bank loan to cover their expenses.
Therefore, it will be necessary to have valid international medical insurance in the UAE .
If one cannot / does not want to request a loan from a bank, sometimes they can opt for a scholarship , awarded under the condition of resources and / or merits (good grades during education in Spain).

Donor agencies are:

The families of the local crown prince or royal families
The host university
The Spanish university
There are several solutions: apply for a study scholarship for the University of Qatar (which includes student visa, residence permit in Qatar, tuition costs, round-trip airfare and accommodation) or apply for the program Arabic scholarships from the Spanish state will allow you to study in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon or Tunisia.
Keep in mind that you can apply for a scholarship to the host university, be it in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt or Morocco, although the way of life in North Africa is one of the most fragile in the world.

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