The online sales sector does not stop growing, but it does not do it in any way.: THE RICHEST OWNERS OF THE MOST POWERFUL ECOMMERCES

And we do not get tired of repeating that not any online store or ecommerce is worth for a business to take off online and much less, so that it is comparable with the examples that we are going to give you below.

But first, we want to repeat, once again, that not just any web programming can be used to create a functional online store, that no one gives hard to four pesetas and that you have to turn to the true professionals in web programming. And furthermore, also to professionals in online marketing , who know about web positioning , including the area of Social Media and   social media management . And we do not get tired of repeating that not any online store or ecommerce is worth

Only in this way will you have a comprehensive and professional development of your business. Even if you don’t sell online, the image you give to your customers is essential.

Once these premises have been established so that everyone is aware that it is not to arrive, create any website and start selling from day one, we see who has known how to do it better.

1º Jeff Bezos , CEO of Amazon has, according to Forbes, 34,800 million dollars, and two years ago he had the not inconsiderable figure of 8,400 million dollars, which although it is very high, we see how he has known not only to maintain himself and not die of success, but continue to grow. Today he is among the 15 richest people in the world.

2nd Mark Zuckerberg , creator (debatable according to rumors) of Facebook , has 33,400 million dollars and is number 16 on the list of the richest in the world. If something stands out about Mark Zuckerberg, it is that to date he has known where to make investments and millionaire purchases that are bringing him great joys, as is the case with Facebook Messenger or Whastapp. So much so that there are times when it surpasses the always giant Google, such as in the number of videos viewed or web messaging that far exceeds that of Google’s hangouts. In fact, Google has released the web version of its hangouts to compete against this.

Logically he has not gotten rich buying expensive applications, if not knowing how to sell his online marketing services online.

3rd and 4th Larry Page , co-founder of Google, has $ 29.7 billion and Sergey Brin , the other co-founder of Google , with $ 29.2 billion. And now Alphabet has come into play , if you want to know more, we leave you the article about which we talked about it: If you are interested in the world of new technologies, pay attention to Alphabet

5th Alibaba founder Jack Ma has an account of $ 22.7 billion and is the 33rd largest fortune in the world. He has founded the largest ecommerce in the world, and includes price comparison, cloud data storage, retail, business-to-business service, etc.

6th Eric Schmidt , current CEO of Alphabet and former CEO of Google , amasses a fortune of 9.1 billion dollars.

7th Hiroshi Mikitani,   founder of Rakuten and direct competition from Alibaba, has not managed to catch up with his competitor, but brings together a fortune of 8.700 million dollars.

8th Pierre Omidyar , founder and president of the best-known auction website in the world, eBay, has $ 8 billion. And in this list we are going to see more of his colleagues.

9th Liu Qiangdong of the group has 7,000 million dollars. Their business is highly similar to Amazon’s, both are direct sellers of merchandise stored in huge warehouses.

10th Jeffrey Skoll, eBay’s first employee and current president, is worth $ 3.9 billion.

11th John Doerr, a billionaire who is currently nothing more and nothing less than a member of the boards of directors of Google , Amyris Biotech, and Zynga, totals $ 3.4 billion.

12th eBay’s Meg Whitman has $ 2 billion.

13th Eric Lefkofsky, CEO and co-founder of Groupon has to his credit 1.65 billion dollars.

14th Wang Xing CEO and co-founder of Meituan, which in Spain is not well known but would become the Chinese Groupon, has 1,400 million dollars. Meituan is valued at more than $ 7 billion. Incredible figures since this online business began in 2010, and in 5 years, its growth has been spectacular. Of course, they did not start with one hand in front and the other behind, but they had millionaire investments from companies such as Alibaba and General Atlantic.

15th Michael Krasny,   founder of CDW, has about 1,300 million dollars, and in this case the origins of the company were more humble since they began with Krasny selling his own computer when he ran out of money, and today he is a giant of the resale of software, hardware, and similar supplies.

Krasny is tied with Yusaku Maezawa , he founded the website selling online Zozotown in 2004 and now has 1,300 million dollars, although some sources say they have even more money. Zozotown is an ecommerce with a great vision of the future, with more than 700 clothing brands. 

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