This mobile game is a clone of Hades and the community hallucinates: “it’s a copy with another skin”
This mobile game is a clone of Hades and the community hallucinates: “it’s a copy with another skin”
Myth: Gods of Asgard undoubtedly draws from the hit roguelite although it is based on Norse mythology.

We have been seeing games that copy the formula of successful titles for many years in interactive entertainment. Generally, modest studies are based on literally copying what successful works have achieved to take advantage of that wave. It is undoubtedly what this Myth: Gods of Asgard that we show you does, which is practically a copy of Hades , one of the most successful games of 2020 that is still expanding to new platforms .
As you know, Hades is a roguelite that revolutionized the genre and that is based on Greek mythology, taking us to go through scenarios that we have to pass “on the flip side”, learning enemy patterns and improving the protagonist’s abilities to escape from the underworld. This game, although initially created for mobile devices, part of the same concept. You can see it in the video that we leave you on these lines: it is identical to the Supergiant Games game in visual style, perspective and concept. Although not to be so blatant it is set in Norse mythology.
In Myth: Gods of Asgard we have to go through dungeons as characters like Siegfried, Thor or a Valkyria to put an end to Ragnarok. As we finish a “run” we will have the blessing of the gods of Asgard, who increase our power to make it easier for us to go further. Although here, being a mobile game, other progress content is added, in the form of unlockable cards or the crafting of materials to unlock new objects as we spend hours.
The similarities to Hades are evident and the community responses to the video reflect this. “It is literally Hades with another skin” or “they have absolutely stolen all the parts of Hades with a new environment and they have called it a new game” , are some of the niceties that people comment. And they may not lack reason. Do not miss our analysis of Hades to know everything about one of the highest rated games of recent years.