Tips for you to fix your pants


Tips for you to fix your pants

Surely you have in your closet some favorite jeans that you feel great and that you love, but that you have worn them so much that the poor are about to abandon you. Do not worry! Superprof gives you the solution so that you can extend the life of your favorite pants a little longer .

First of all, we advise you to identify what the problem is, one of the most typical is holes. Second, check where it is (pockets, crotch, knee pads …). And finally, keep in mind its size, since sometimes it is not worth fixing. If you think you can still give it a try, then take a needle and thread and start sewing by hand . And in line with this, and never better said, it may be that you need to mend a jean by hand. To do this, get the necessary sewing material: thread, needle, pins, scissors and thimble. Pick an appropriate workplace, then get down to business. Thread the needle with the most suitable thread and sew in a regular and tight motion, finish passing the needle through the end and tie a new knot, and voilà! In the blink of an eye you will have the cowboy as new.

Mending the jeans.
Distressed jeans are all the rage, but don’t let a small hole turn into something that is hopeless.

If your thing is not to sew by hand, you can resort to the help of the sewing machine . Keep in mind that you will have to learn how to use it before you start to fix your clothes, so do not despair if the arrangements do not look perfect at first. Another aspect that you should take into account is that sewing machines, depending on the model, can be more or less economical, so if what you need is to fix something simple like a small hole, it may not be worth buying one.

If what happens to you is that you have never sewn anything, not even a button, there is also a technique for you; use an iron-on adhesive. And you may be wondering what it is and what it consists of. It is a fabric that is glued to the fabric with the help of a heat source , for example, an iron. In just 5 seconds you will have it ready.

And how do you fix that cigarette burn from a smoker in a hurry or a careless neighbor? It resorts to the patch of a lifetime. There are a lot of decorative patches, you will surely find one of your liking and that adapts to the size of the burn.

Finally, surely you have ever loosened a button on a pair of pants just as you were getting dressed to go to work. You don’t have much time, so how do you sew a trouser button back? You will have to fix the hole that has formed and sew the new button. To prevent the hole from re-forming and the button falling off again, pay attention and sew the button as far away from the initial hole as possible. Don’t forget to allow enough space to accommodate the denim surrounding the button. And ready!

As you can see, sewing is not that complicated, you just have to get to it and you will be able to make your own arrangements without having to go to a sewing workshop every time you drop a button.

Wait no more and learn how to sew your own cushion .

Learn how to sew your own handbag

As it happened a few years ago with the kitchen, sewing has become fashionable and is more current than ever. So why not take advantage of it and learn how to make your own clothing or accessories creations? And speaking of which, do you want to learn how to make your own cloth bag? Keep reading and you will learn how to sew your own bag, to which you can give multiple functions, depending on its size; to store coins, for makeup, as a toiletry bag …

Steps for its creation:

Choose the fabric (cotton, synthetic, viscose …).

Choose the size (small, medium, large). The average size of a cloth bag is 16 x 24cm.

Choose its shape, depending on the size you want to give it (rectangular, square).

Choose the type of closure (zipper, clasp, flap …).

When it comes to sewing, keep in mind:

The cloth.   Do not opt ​​for the first pattern that you like, think about it being resistant so that you can use it as many times as you want.

Strap or without it? It will depend on what the purpose of the bag is; hanging bag, handbag, toiletry bag …

Sewn by hand or machine? If your idea is to make a bag, it may not be worth buying a sewing machine. You can sew it by hand even if it is not completely perfect, especially if you are starting to make your first steps in the world of sewing. Now, if you are an expert or you are lucky enough to have your own or borrowed sewing machine, then, do not hesitate, sew it by machine.

Customize your bag . Add motifs, pearls, beads or any other element that gives it that special touch that characterizes you. You could even decorate the inner lining to make it 100% unique.

Imagination to the power!

Techniques for creating a cushion

Currently, sewing has resurfaced, so that it is no longer a domestic task typical of our grandmothers or mothers. Many young people, of different ages, have decided to sew (knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc.) and make their own creations, both clothes and accessories or other elements to decorate the house, for example, cushions. Would you like to learn how to create your own cushions for your sofa, that armchair in the living room that you like so much or that corner of the garden where you take naps in summer?

Follow our advice so that the result is wonderful.

Get the necessary material to be able to sew some beautiful cushions . Among other items, you will need scissors, needle, pins, ruler, fabric wax …

Decide which cushion filling you prefer; synthetic fiber, foam.

Choose a sewing pattern . Essential to avoid making mistakes with the measurements, among other things. You can even create your own sewing pattern yourself. On the Internet, you will find many specialized websites and blogs where patterns are shared.

Make the cover . To do this, choose the fabric that you like the most, do not forget to wash it and iron it well so that not even a wrinkle remains. Then, mark the outline of the two pieces with the pattern on the inside. Fold the edges of each side of the fabric, iron the hems, and sew three of the four sides, flip the cover over, and insert the padding. Finally, close the cover.

Create your own cushions and decorate your home.
Decorate the favorite corner of your house!

If you don’t have a sewing machine, don’t worry! You can also sew a cushion by hand .

Buy iron-on bands. You will find them in any haberdashery or sewing store. With these bands, you will replace the edge seams. Then, place the thermo-adhesive fabric on the edges of the fabric you have chosen and glue the parts with an iron. The iron must be hot enough for it to stick well. Leave the bands for a few seconds, remove them and let them rest.

Be careful : make sure that the fabric you buy can be ironed, some of them do not support ironing because the fabric can be damaged.

But there are also other cushion covers that we can make ourselves at home:

Double fabric cover.

Basic cover without seam or thermoadhesive.

Personalize the cushion with different elements such as pearls, buttons, thread motifs, etc.

Do you want to know more about creating cushions ?

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