Tricks for the assimilation of the Arabic language


Tricks for the assimilation of the Arabic language

Basic list of the most used words: Tricks for the assimilation of the Arabic language

Have you ever heard of this concept? It is said that in each language there is a list of basic words, which are the most used words in a language. Knowing these words, you could easily carry on an everyday conversation and understand a good number of texts.
Keep your notes in order.
There are an estimated 500 basic words in Arabic , so you can start by learning this vocabulary. You will have, logically, a little of everything. If you learn 15-20 words from this list a day, in a month you will have learned the entire list. Not bad!

Learn the Arabic words that Spanish words are derived from: Tricks for the assimilation of the Arabic language

You divide a page into two columns and put the word in Spanish in one column and the word in Arabic in the other column. You will see that they resemble a lot. Thanks to the similarity, it will be much easier for you to remember the vocabulary in Arabic.
Show   records
Look for:

Word in Spanish Word in arabic: Tricks for the assimilation of the Arabic language

noodle fidaws
lemon leimun
wild pig gabali, al-abal
noria na’urah
olive zaytūn
Mayor alqāḍi
saffron za’farān
if only in šā ‘allāh
coffee qahwah
Bowl tassah
Showing from 1 to 10 of 11 records
Make flashcards
It is a learning method that is used for all languages.
The flashcards or learning cards are small cards that contain one or both sides a word, an image, a number or symbol. There is also a type of learning card that consists of putting a question on one side and the answer on the other. The most common is to make a set of falshcards of a certain subject and that subject is identified with a color. For example, the animal vocabulary cards are green.
How are the concepts fixed? Reviewing the flashcards from time to time.

Learn the alphabet by heart

It seems very obvious, but can you recite the alphabet in English or in one of your foreign languages? In Arabic it is essential to know the alphabet, its pronunciation and its writing.
When it occurs to you, recite the alphabet out loud a couple of times. In your spare time, you can take a blank page and write the letters and their pronunciation next to it.
It would also be a good resource if you have the Arabic alphabet printed and hung on your desk or pasted on the first page of your Arabic notebook. Even if it is unconscious, you will always keep an eye on it.
The pronunciation of each letter of the alphabet.

Buy second-hand Arabic manuals

Yes, we had told you that the resources we were going to offer you were completely free. Well, here we leave you one that is not free but inexpensive. And it is that if you think coldly we cannot aspire to have everything for free, developing materials takes time.
On the other hand, always being in front of a computer screen can be very tiring, so having a book on paper never hurts. There are also mini-annuals that you can carry in your bag or backpack always with you and review what you have learned at any time.

What books to look for on the second-hand book sale pages? We recommend these:

Arabic for foreigners: reading texts, Hesham Abu-Sharar.
Al-yadual A2, Arabic Language – Student’s book pack, exercise book and an audio CD, José David Aguilar Cobos, Alejandro García Castillo and Miguel Ángel Peña Agüeros.
Practical Arabic grammar, Joana Hernández Martínez.
Effortless Arabic, from Assimil publishing house.
Al-birka , manual for learning to write in Arabic, José David Aguilar Cobos, Alejandro García Castillo and Sergio Palas Sánchez.
Alatul! Initiation to the Arabic language, Victoria Aguilar.

Watch YouTube videos in Arabic

Rawad Habib, one of the most famous youtubers in the Arab world. Photo from Rawad Habib’s YouTube channel.
If you like the world of YouTube, surely you know a few Spanish youtubers and perhaps you will follow some of them and see all the videos they publish. Why don’t you do the same with a couple of Arab youtubers ?
It is true that this activity still requires an advanced level of Arabic language, but do not be discouraged and try to watch a video from time to time.

Some of the trendy youtubers in the Arab world are:

Rawad Habib. This youtuber from Lebanon talks about his experiences and current affairs. Post videos in Arabic and English. Videos that are in Arabic are subtitled in English and those in English have Arabic subtitles. What more could you want? The perfect combination to reinforce two of your foreign languages.
Ebrahim Ramzat , from the United Arab Emirates. The main theme of Ebrahim’s channel is veganism.
Maha Jaafar is a comedian from the United Arab Emirates. Combine humorous videos with videos about culture and trends on the Internet.
Ibn Hattuta , from Jordan. With Ibn you will travel around the world.
If you are not yet proficient in Arabic to follow the thread of the videos, you can watch content specifically created for Arabic language learners. We recommend that you consult the resources on the following web pages:
Assimil method.
DailyMotion .
Download apps to learn Arabic
As we always say, there is an app for everything. And, especially for language learning, there are hundreds. Surely some of the ones that we are going to mention you have already used to learn English, French, Portuguese, German or Italian. If you liked them, feel free to use them to learn Arabic.
Memrise: suggests words and phrases to repeat until you memorize them.
Babel: offers interactive courses on different aspects of the language: vocabulary, grammar, songs, frequent expressions … : It is a huge online community in which users help each other to improve the level of the language they want to learn. It is not totally free.
Al-Kunuz : a website with a lot of resources and materials to learn cult Arabic and learn the Koran online.
LingQ: This application allows you to learn in a fun and didactic way. The exercises are based on active reading and listening.
Learn Arabic for children : you may find this proposal a bit childish, but we assure you that it is highly effective for the beginner level. A didactic and fun way to learn the basics of the Arabic language: the alphabet, the colors, the numbers …

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