What is the profile of the Peruvian consumer?


What is the profile of the Peruvian consumer?

94% of Peruvians decide a purchase based on what they search on the web

What is the profile of the Peruvian consumer?


The Peruvian consumer before the quarantine was already digital, although this process was accelerated in the same way during the national conjuncture. Peruvians have already got used to this new normal without problems, they make their purchases with delivery in supermarkets, pharmacies and buy what they can without leaving home. Although quarantine would no longer be mandatory, staying home will continue to be an option to prevent the spread of COVID 19 as long as there is no cure.

In this way, ecommerce and virtual stores are the most viable alternatives for thousands of Peruvian consumers and there businesses should keep an eye out, since there has been a wide need to have a presence on the Internet, but not only that, but also to become a reference on the platforms, because the competition is now greater. For this reason we believe it is important to know the characteristics of the Peruvian consumer: 

✓94% of Peruvians decide a purchase based on what they are looking for on the web, 

✓71% of customers who bought in ‘retail’ carried out a previous online investigation, 

✓ And 81% have already decided, once they step on the physical store,

According to data from the newspaper El Comercio 

The organic search carried out by many of these Peruvians is done by the vast majority from mobile devices, so making your business work well on different screens will be essential. But also things like that the page is not heavy to load, estimating a time of no more than three seconds. 

Now, there is also another topic: the quality of the content that you transmit to your audience is a reference. For this reason, as part of Inbound marketing, many strategies for ecommerce include having a blog on the platforms to create content that can be useful to your customers and thus be able to appear in the first places of Google searches, for example. 

Peruvian consumer profile

Although all of the above already gives importance to having a web presence, it is also necessary to mention the need for security that the service must provide, that the user trusts the page they are buying is totally decisive to make the sale. It is important that the web has an intuitive structure and adaptable to different devices, but also clear and transparent. That invites them to browse the products quickly and that search bars are incorporated for greater agility. Because in addition to a beautiful design and good content, the clear platform makes the decision clearer. 

While all this is important, you must have a good digital marketing strategy behind to be able to reach the right person in an organic and optimized way. Of course, for many companies and brands in Peru, technology is an ideal opportunity to conquer the Peruvian consumer, but they must also compete with an excellent quality of their customer service and add to their unique selling proposition the interesting factor that ends in woo your audience.

Do you want to know how you can take your company to the digital market , visit this specialized content. 

According to the data on the profile of the Peruvian consumer: 

✓78% of Peruvians on the Internet consider it interesting to have a digital assistant or boot to help them make the purchase.

✓80% expect that the same virtual assistant allows refunds at any ecommerce branch.

Many Peruvians also take into account to buy assistance during the purchase, the facilities for picking up and product returns. In this way, the ecommerce purchase journey must, in addition to being fast, flexible and intuitive, have effective communication channels. So that the customer never feels ignored or cheated with the service. 

Characteristics of the Peruvian consumer in this new normality 

What does the Peruvian consume the most? According to information from the Peruvian Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CCCE) one of the initiatives should be for the Peruvian government to promote electronic commerce in this return to normality, to prevent the spread of the virus. Although this also means that they must take other security methods, which most ecommerce companies are implementing, such as: having their own delivery and ensuring a safe delivery. 

Retail brands are already applying these security measures in Lima and they have unquestionably had an increase in their sales since the start of the quarantine in Peru. In graphs, by 2019 e-commerce already represented 5% of commerce in the country, according to the same information from the CCCE, while by 2020 e-commerce grew by 240% during the quarantine, according to data provided by the gateway of payments most used in the country by ecommerce: PayU.

✓The Peruvian consumer looks for content about the product before offering,

✓One of the formats that most consume on the Internet is video,

✓Ensure that they buy products from brands that work with real photos,

✓ That they buy ecommerce where they have easier response from intermediaries

✓And they would buy again in ecommerce that meet the delivery dates offered. 

Although it seems a lot to automate, a good strategy with the Inbound methodology can allow your ecommerce to provide the best user experience and in turn make your brand be found in a more organic way by search engines, means by which the Peruvian consumer performs their searches before bidding. 

Digital consumer in Peru

Undoubtedly, the digital consumer is an objective that brands should not lose sight of, digitization is a necessary step to be able to capture leads and also understand that the Peruvian consumer is digital and knowing all its characteristics to adequately adapt to their needs is part fundamental for any business or company. If you are not on the Internet, do you not exist? You may have a client portfolio with your old business technique, but by digitizing you will be able to cover much more than your locality. 

To finish a bit this profile of the Peruvian consumer, it is important to clarify that although there is great growth in online shopping, the strategy is a fundamental part to achieve conversion. It can be just as important to know this information to create an adequate marketing strategy, as a report from the ecommerce Industry in Peru also highlighted:

✓Peru has 6 million online buyers: who are worth channeling and who can become future customers of your brand, if you capture them and create good segmentation. 

✓12% represents mobile ecommerce: that they will know you mostly through mobile phones and will want to end the sale that way.

In conclusion, the Peruvian consumer: 

It is worth thinking about the digitization of the market in Peru according to the profile of the Peruvian consumer. And to achieve new sales possibilities it is also necessary to optimize customer service, have a responsive design of your page and handle content that generates value for your potential customers. Also that it is quite useful to invest in marketing methodologies created by professionals, to make it possible to cover the market with the aforementioned. Using Inbound Marketing strategies in this way, because organic search can help you position yourself and at the same time that activity can help you greatly reduce marketing expenses. 

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