What is the usefulness of an antivirus?
What is the usefulness of an antivirus?
We talk about having good health when we are not prone to disease and our body is healthy.
We know both physical and mental doctors, but there are also digital doctors: antivirus, which are there to protect hard drives from any invasive intruder.
Although a numerical platform is a set of titles, texts, images and interactive tools , logically, all these elements are stored on a connected server and to view / watch / see, the downloads – in one way or another – on your computer or on a cloud, as “temporary files”.
Great: in a world of love bears, there would be no problem in these must-see passages.
Unfortunately, since we do not live in a paradise, we are forced to cope with the evil that reigns in this underworld.
Indeed, the bad thing is when a computer virus, or several, hides behind a domain!
This happens when a page is not sufficiently well protected: and your computer equipment can be infected if it does not have adequate protection.
It is a true Pandora’s box in which diversity is not in vain: Trojan horse (or trojan ), spyware, malware, ver, retrovirus, hoax, dropper, polymorphic, zoo, sneaky, companion, resident, viral code, script , encryption, MtE … Actually, the RAE could publish an encyclopedic dictionary of virtual pathologies.
This long list should be enough to encourage you to install an antivirus on your computer.
The best ones are paid, but a free solution (usually to be completed with additional free programs specialized in the persecution / quarantine of certain types of threats) is better than having no solution … What is the usefulness of an antivirus?

Like hurricanes and storms, the most destructive viruses receive a popular name in the media : MyDomm.A, Cabir, PsybOt, Tchernobyl, CIH, Conficker …
The worst may come from the installation of a fake antivirus (do not deviate from known names and certainly do not believe what you can read in a supposedly “well-informed” blog), or from the action of an antivirus virus: the latter , commonly called “retrovirus”, attacks your protection elements.
You do not leave your firewall (or ” firewall” ) disabled either, especially with Windows, which is the most used operating system in the world, but also, of course, the one that receives the most attacks, think especially if you go to computer classes for beginners .
Mac and Ubuntu users, as well as Android and iOS users, can rest assured … but for how long?
Indeed, threats are multiplying , even for Macbooks and tablets: malicious programs unfortunately have a bright future ahead of them!
A foreign aid and a computer security course could sensitize you to these dangers.
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