What services does a good Inbound Marketing agency offer?


What services does a good Inbound Marketing agency offer?

These are the tips you should keep in mind before choosing an Inbound Marketing agency

What services does a good Inbound Marketing agency offer?


Choosing a good Inbound Marketing agency is a difficult task for any company tired of traditional methods. Especially with the number of attractive offers found on the internet. If you were assigned this responsibility, there are a couple of things you need to know before making a decision. So in this article we will explain what services you really need, how to recognize a scam and what are the indicators of a realistic and effective proposal.

How do you know if you need an Inbound Marketing agency? 

Traditional Marketing does not produce results

Many of our clients have the same problem: they bet on growing markets, they have a good sales team and their prices are quite competitive. But, they are stagnant. 

The reasons vary according to the company, so it is advisable to study each case before issuing a diagnosis. But in general, there are three most common problems:

  • ✔ They have many followers on social networks, but few interactions in each publication
  • ✔ They manage a visually attractive web page, but they do not generate enough traffic
  • ✔ They have a lot of web traffic, but they don’t generate leads

At Contenttu, we offer free advice to explain to the client what their problem is and how they can solve it. 

You need an inbound strategy, but you don’t have enough staff 

This is another of the most common reasons. Executing an effective Inbound Marketing strategy requires time and dedication. Which implies delegating functions to professional teams that can deliver results in the shortest time possible.

Sales department is not getting leads

Your sales team tries at all costs to get customers, but in the process invests time and resources in people who are not interested in the products or services of the company. The Inbound method guarantees that efforts are directed to the correct audience, generating a greater number of closings.

You cannot quantify the results of your strategy 

Constantly allocating resources to a Marketing strategy that does not seem to generate results or return on investment (ROI), is by far one of the most frequent causes to abandon traditional methods. The biggest advantage of Inbound strategies is that they are easily quantifiable.

An Inbound Marketing agency is cheaper

Inbound Marketing agencies require a much lower investment to attract potential clients. So they are the perfect springboard for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. 

You want to increase sales, but you don’t know anything about Marketing

The  15% of SMEs in Peru do not use Digital Marketing , because they ignore the importance of new technologies in growing your business. If this is your case, you probably feel stuck. An Inbound Marketing Agency will help you get sales opportunities in the place where your customers spend the most time: the internet.  

What services does a good Inbound Marketing agency offer? 

And this question can be even more specific, because not all services really influence the growth of a company’s ROI. So we have selected 10 basis points.

inbound marketing contenttu agency

Inbound Marketing Strategy

The first and most important. A true Inbound Marketing Agency must explain what the methodology consists of and what pillars it is based on. In Contenttu we explain it quite well in this article: How to develop an effective Inbound Marketing strategy. 

Web Design and Development

The second step of any Inbound strategy is to develop or redesign the company’s website, so that it is coupled with the production of content and capture of leads. User experience is vital to convert strangers into potential customers. Remember that the attraction of Buyer Personas occurs on this platform. 

Content strategy

Do not make the mistake of many marketers, who seek content production without sticking to editorial planning. Behind every blog post, ebook, video and / or webinar there must be a strategic justification. In this article we explain in detail the best practices to develop a content strategy aimed at attracting potential customers, as we do at Contenttu.

Content creation 

Now, we come to the service that requires the most investment of time. Content creation is the heart of the strategy. A good Inbound Marketing agency must create a connection with your Buyer Personas through the production of written and audiovisual material, tailor-made for them. 

For this, a transparency agreement is established, which protects the client from bad blogging practices, such as: plagiarism, poor quality or abuse of keywords, among other black hat practices.

SEO and SEM positioning

On the other hand, the proposal must guarantee the organic positioning (SEO) of the content in search engines (Google), to guarantee greater visibility and reach. Likewise, the paid promotion in Adwords and social networks (SEM) to promote the content strategy in the shortest possible time.

Social Media Management  

According to Comscore , Peru is the country with the greatest reach in terms of social networks, it is nine points above the rest of the countries in Latin America, with 93.2%. So yes, developing a social media strategy is essential for Inbound Marketing to work. 

In these times, any agency will tell you that they have plenty of experience in Social Media Management, but an Inbound Marketing agency will tell you in which networks your Buyer Persona is, what type of content they regularly consume and what information they need.  

On this topic we develop a whole chapter, know what are the best practices in social networks that we apply in Contenttu, just with a click. 

Email Marketing

I do not need to explain the importance of Email Marketing, but I do emphasize that there is a great difference between emails designed with an Inbound north and traditional mailing that fattens the SPAM folder and depresses due to its low open rate. 

This tactic, well used, is a powerful ally for Inbound Marketing agencies. How easily you can generate a ROI of 4300%. Don’t believe us, the figures are from Hubspot .

Graphic design

The graphic pieces are part of the content production. The proposal must include the creation of infographics, images for social networks, illustrations and even the digital identity of the company. 

Audiovisual production

Audiovisual content has grown in popularity in recent years, making it an important added value for strategic purposes. An Inbound Marketing agency that proposes the creation of videos, undoubtedly knows the importance of this format in attracting followers. 

At Contenttu we have an audiovisual production company . And one of our most successful works is the series “The Office Workers” that we created for Artesco. In 60 chapters, we managed to multiply the interactions of an already successful brand. Here’s how we use humor in Artesco’s content strategy.


Last but not least, the offer must include a performance review every end of the month. Remember that Inbound Marketing is developed based on SMART objectives. It is the magic of this new method: every action can be measured and every strategy questioned with a study of metrics and KPI’s.

Checklist: How to choose the right Inbound Marketing agency?


Inbound Marketing Agency strategy

Now that you know the services that an Inbound Marketing agency must offer to positively impact ROI, you are ready to face the search and selection process. However, we will give you some last tips:

✔ Define what you want: Attract traffic? Generate leads? Lead your industry?

✔ Ask about their Inbound tactics: Do they offer the right services or disguise old practices under the heading Inbound to attract more customers?

✔ Are they honest ?: Every Inbound Marketing Agency knows that this type of strategy does not have immediate effects. Planning, implementation, and execution take time. The results will increase month by month. Don’t believe in gurus who promise miracles.

✔ What does the agency charge you ?: Normally the invoice includes: 

  • → Inbound strategy development and content planning 
  • → Content production 
  • → Social media management
  • → SEO optimization
  • → SEM management 
  • → Content management platform 
  • → Web redesign

The amounts depend on the needs of each company. 

Why Contenttu?

Inbound Marketing Contenttu Agency

We are an Inbound Marketing Agency with very clear objectives: 

  • ✔ Position brands as leaders in their sector through content marketing
  • ✔ Increase web traffic 
  • ✔ Generate leads
  • ✔ Produce original, creative and quality content

Many clients need to outsource their Inbound Marketing and Sales, to focus on what they do best: growing as a company. They typically have an exceptional team of professionals, but they lack the time and knowledge to develop an effective Inbound Marketing strategy.

How do we achieve our goals? 

  • ✔ We identify Buyer People
  • ✔ We develop an Inbound Strategy focused on attracting potential customers
  • ✔ We redesign WEB sites to improve the user experience
  • ✔ We increase web traffic 
  • ✔ We investigate what content your audience needs 
  • ✔ We create a content strategy aimed at converting that audience into leads
  • ✔ We generate attractive and SEO-optimized content
  • ✔ We connect with the audience through social networks
  • ✔ We measure our performance monthly, evaluating metrics and KPI’s

What is our methodology as an Inbound Marketing Agency?

We evaluate the current status of the brand and we couple to our proposal the processes that already work for the company. For it:

  • → We analyze the website and current marketing strategy
  • → We define the most urgent business goals
  • → We evaluate how is the relationship with customers (CRM)
  • → We establish the SMART objectives of the company
  • → We choose the KPI’s that will be considered to measure the performance of the strategy  
  • → We create a content strategy that adapts to the needs of the brand
  • → We align efforts with the sales team for a successful closing

We work so that our clients become leaders in their sector. To achieve this goal, we apply the following practices:

  • → We study the competition 
  • → We create content according to the needs of the market and taking advantage of the knowledge of the members of the company, to attract and convert Buyer Personas 
  • → We position the brand’s website in the first places of Google
  • → We advise the sales team 


We are trained and certified to fulfill each of the services that we mentioned at the beginning of this article. 

Inbound Marketing Contenttu agency

Do you think Contenttu can be your Inbound Marketing agency? Let’s talk!

Contact us and we will schedule a meeting. We offer you a totally free advice to know the situation of your company and explain what actions you need to take to increase your sales.

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