What to do with the leftover pieces of fabric
What to do with the leftover pieces of fabric
Finally, we give you the last tip: how to recycle the leftover pieces of fabric .
Buying rolls in a fabric store involves a fairly large expense, especially if the practice of sewing is recurrent. Instead of stacking up piles of fabric scraps in a basket in the back of a closet, a neat trick to cutting down on your expenses is to recycle them.

You can give these scraps a second life by making clothes or redecorating accessories : you can make a cushion cover from an old curtain, a black dress from an old torn fabric, sew a blind hem, etc.
To do this, you must classify the pieces of fabric by size and color, making different piles.
Redesign sewing patterns and resize pieces of fabric to sew everyday accessories, children’s clothing, or decorative items for the interior of the house.
Here are some ideas for using the leftover fabric:
- A baby blanket,
- Doll clothes,
- A patchwork ball ,
- A personalized bookmark,
- A bag for dirty clothes,
- The cover of a photo album,
- A purse,
- A blanket for the winter
- Pillows,
- Chair cushions.
Your family will be more than delighted with your creations!
Tips for you to fix your pants
Surely you have in your closet some favorite jeans that you feel great and that you love, but that you have worn them so much that the poor are about to abandon you. Do not worry! Superprof gives you the solution so that you can extend the life of your favorite pants a little longer .
First of all, we advise you to identify what the problem is, one of the most typical is holes. Second, check where it is (pockets, crotch, knee pads …). And finally, keep in mind its size, since sometimes it is not worth fixing. If you think you can still give it a try, then take a needle and thread and start sewing by hand . And in line with this, and never better said, it may be that you need to mend a jean by hand. To do this, get the necessary sewing material: thread, needle, pins, scissors and thimble. Pick an appropriate workplace, then get down to business. Thread the needle with the most suitable thread and sew in a regular and tight motion, finish passing the needle through the end and tie a new knot, and voilà! In the blink of an eye you will have the cowboy as new.

If your thing is not to sew by hand, you can resort to the help of the sewing machine . Keep in mind that you will have to learn how to use it before you start to fix your clothes, so do not despair if the arrangements do not look perfect at first. Another aspect that you should take into account is that sewing machines, depending on the model, can be more or less economical, so if what you need is to fix something simple like a small hole, it may not be worth buying one.
If what happens to you is that you have never sewn anything, not even a button, there is also a technique for you; use an iron-on adhesive. And you may be wondering what it is and what it consists of. It is a fabric that is glued to the fabric with the help of a heat source , for example, an iron. In just 5 seconds you will have it ready.
And how do you fix that cigarette burn from a smoker in a hurry or a careless neighbor? It resorts to the patch of a lifetime. There are a lot of decorative patches, you will surely find one of your liking and that adapts to the size of the burn.
Finally, surely you have ever loosened a button on a pair of pants just as you were getting dressed to go to work. You don’t have much time, so how do you sew a trouser button back? You will have to fix the hole that has formed and sew the new button. To prevent the hole from re-forming and the button falling off again, pay attention and sew the button as far away from the initial hole as possible. Don’t forget to allow enough space to accommodate the denim surrounding the button. And ready!
As you can see, sewing is not that complicated, you just have to get to it and you will be able to make your own arrangements without having to go to a sewing workshop every time you drop a button.
Wait no more and learn how to sew your own cushion .