What tools are there to teach tutoring classes online?


What tools are there to teach tutoring classes online?

If you want to jump into the world of teaching, have the will and desire to accompany students to achieve school success, the Internet can help you in your pedagogical project.
A good craftsman is nothing without his material. We can say the same about a teacher and the internet connection.

We show you the top 3 of the school aid tools that you can use.: What tools are there to teach tutoring classes online?

Number 1: exchange spaces
Every teacher has to create a space where they can easily exchange documents with their students.
We recommend 3 useful ones:
DropBox ;
Google Drive ;
WeTransfer .
These tools are perfect for exchanging lessons and exercises in different formats with the possibility of being able to modify them directly online.

Number 2: video conferencing: What tools are there to teach tutoring classes online?

Imagine that you could not travel to your student’s home due to the weather conditions.
A good way to solve this problem and continue with the established class time is through the videoconferencing tool . Skype is the most popular tool and is very well suited to individual training.
If you want to do a class in an auditorium, we recommend BigBlueButton as it is the most complete tool.

Number 3: quizzes and question-answer tests: What tools are there to teach tutoring classes online?

In order to evaluate the knowledge of your students in a simple way, the question-answer tests are the most suitable tools.
They are very easy to create and correct, and they allow you to know if the lesson has been understood and on which points you need to insist more.

You can also use an Excel file , but we advise you:

Google Formulaire ;
LimeSurvey ;
KwikSurvey .
Other tools you should know
Depending on your affinity with numbers, you can equip yourself with other tools that will help you in your classes both at home and in person.

Between them:

A notebook with digital texts ;
A digital workspace ;
An interactive digital table ;
Tools for making audio and video podcasts ;
Digital manuals .

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