Where are the delivery points on the Fortnite Season 7 map
Where are the delivery points on the Fortnite Season 7 map

We continue to reel off the challenges of Fortnite Season 7 and today it’s time to dedicate a map and a video to the challenge Interact with a delivery point in Alameda Afflicted . If you want to know where all the delivery points are , surely this map with the delivery points will be of great help.
Where are the delivery points in Alameda Afligida: Where are the delivery points on the Fortnite Season 7 map
You have to travel to Alameda Afligida and interact with any of the delivery points that are scattered there. You do not have to get lost in the forest trying to find them, you can find the five that are available by following the course of the river.
Here is a map with the location of the delivery points courtesy of Fortnite.gg . Behind it you will also find a video that will help you to see even better the exact position of these delivery points.

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