Many people think that to manage a professional Twitter, Instagram or Facebook profile they do not require the help of any networking expert, since they can do it themselves, however if they do not have some basic notions of communication, this can become a tremendous mistake that will affect the image of the brand in a very negative way.

Community Managers have become a key piece of digital marketing , although it should be noted that not just anyone is valid to manage and moderate Internet communities, create content or manage the online reputation of a brand, it is essential to choose qualified professionals for these homework.

But then … What is a Community Manager?

These professionals are currently responsible for creating, managing and developing the online part of a brand, regardless of whether it is business or personal. It could be said that Community Managers are qualified to manage all communication with the target interested in the brand.

In a more clear and concise way, these professionals could be considered as the most visible and close online part of a company. It may seem like a very simple task, however these functions can only be performed by an expert, in the event that what is intended is to obtain the best results.

 Social media management and much more:

Although on many occasions Community Manager is related to social media management , these professionals carry out many other tasks that are less well known, perhaps this is the main reason why this work is not usually highly valued, simply due to sheer ignorance.

When a client hires a professional Community Manager service, the process begins by designing a strategy to plan and establish the objectives to be achieved. Among the most popular are: the creation or improvement of a brand, increasing the community of a brand and its sales or publicizing products, etc.

After setting the goals, it is time to start creating attractive content for the followers of the brand, of course it is essential that it be of high quality and very creative. In order to obtain the best results, the ideal is to find that something that the members of that community have in common and the best way to present it to them, not without first knowing in depth the topics to be discussed.

Although there are currently many tools to create eye-catching and interesting content, it should also be noted that it is very difficult to surprise. This is one of the main reasons why you have to have a professional who works creativity constantly.

Another task carried out by the Community Manager is to get to know the community, and for this he must start conversations with it, answer and resolve all their doubts … etc. This will make users feel appreciated and create positive links between them and the brand, which is essential.

But this strategy would never be complete if the competition is not monitored , and knowing what other brands in the market are doing is essential, although their ideas should never be copied, as this would give a very bad image of the company. brand… Here creativity comes into play again.

To know at all times the status of the strategy, it is essential that analysis of the results be carried out periodically, this is another of the tasks that the Community Manager must perform. For this, the KPI’S to be analyzed must be selected and based on them to know if the results are as expected or not.

As can be seen, being a Community Manager goes far beyond publishing tweets or promoting post on social networks, since behind these tasks there is a lot of previous work to achieve the objectives set by the companies that have them in their workforce, or by clients who have decided to outsource this service.

 Thinking of hiring a Community Manager?

In the case of large companies, it is very common for them to have a Community Manager on their staff. This brings numerous advantages internally, since the professional knows the product much better, has more sources of information at their fingertips … etc.

But finding a valid professional for this position is not an easy task for companies, since they are looking for a very specific profile. The fundamental thing is to find a person who has communication and marketing knowledge , who has good spelling and writes well, who has a feeling with the brand, who is creative, who knows how to act in the face of unforeseen events and who is organized. If you also have experience and desire to improve, you are the perfect candidate.

In the case of smaller or personal brands, having a Community Manager on staff is not an alternative, for this reason they usually choose to outsource the service. In this way, all companies have the possibility of enjoying all the advantages and benefits of having a professional of these characteristics.

The outsourcing of digital marketing is a trend, and that is that more and more companies are betting on this since it provides numerous advantages. At Rana Negra we have a professional Community Manager service framed in the area of ​​Social Media and Digital Marketing.

Among the main advantages that digital marketing outsourcing provides is to improve profitability, and that is that thanks to this service the company only goes to it when it really needs it. For this you can create a closed budget for service or campaign or hourly bonuses, among other options.

Another advantage of outsourcing marketing lies in having great professionals to carry out these tasks, and that is that when you go to a digital marketing agency , it has on staff a team specialized in various areas, in order to be able to offer a tailor-made solution.

On the other hand, in addition to having a qualified professional who is in charge of the brand’s online presence , outsourcing digital marketing also ensures that it is always up-to-date, since online marketing agencies have access to the latest technologies. , market trends or consumption habits, and they ensure that their staff is always aware of all this.

Or that is precisely what we do at Rana Negra to be always updated on the issues we work with in our day-to-day life and that may interest our target, such as the latest trends in web design 2020 and trends in web positioning 2020. .

As for the economic risk, it is much lower when digital marketing is outsourced, since projects can be started or finished depending on the objectives that are established at the beginning, or whether they are met or not. In this regard, it should be noted that an external marketing team will focus on obtaining the best results for the brand always because it depends on the invoice. Many people think that to manage a professional Twitter, Instagram or Facebook

As you can see, digital marketing is a great ally for any company, as long as it is carried out by a professional in the sector. In addition, it should be noted that through it, valuable data on the commercial area of ​​the company are obtained, in order to improve it. Many people think that to manage a professional Twitter, Instagram or Facebook

 On Community Manager Day …

Such is the importance of these professionals within the field of digital marketing, that today is celebrated the International Day of the Community Manager , so we have not found a better date to share a little more information about the work they develop in their day to day and how necessary they are in all companies. Many people think that to manage a professional Twitter, Instagram or Facebook

At Rana Negra we are very aware of this, and that is why one of the things that worries us the most is knowing the brand we work with well, in order to be able to manage and stimulate your company social networks in the best possible way. For this we create original and quality content, we respond quickly and empathetically to all users who interact on their networks and we look for a thousand ways to make a difference. Many people think that to manage a professional Twitter, Instagram or Facebook

If you need to publicize a brand, whether it is newly created or not; increase your number of followers on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn; manage any online reputation crisis efficiently; or in short, leave the image of your brand in good hands, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you! Many people think that to manage a professional Twitter, Instagram or Facebook

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