This Saturday January 25 is San Publicito, “patron” of advertisers, and in Rana Negra we honor him as we know by giving information to our users and followers about why to hire a marketing agency!

And why not about hiring an advertising agency since it is world advertising day ? First, because we are dedicated to digital marketing and because the vast majority of people are looking for digital marketing , more than advertising in general, and we want our articles to be useful to you, and for this, you have to find us on Google when you do your searches. basic principle of SEO positioning !

There is no doubt that the Internet has revolutionized the concept of advertising, right? It never hurts to do, for example, a campaign based on flyers that you leave in people’s mailboxes, but … let’s say that it is not a very segmented advertising and that we already know where these flyers end up in the vast majority of cases.

Of course, if you have a large amount of money to invest in all kinds of advertising , congratulations and go ahead! If you can afford a great offline marketing action such as a campaign on television, a street marketing action, etc. Great, don’t miss the chance! Of course, any type of advertising is not exclusive, we have collaborated in high impact offline marketing actions while we developed an application as a contest in a large basketball event and the experience for our client was great.

But now let’s see why hire an online marketing agency:

 1 # Profitability: if you do not have a large amount of money to invest in marketing, opt for digital marketing segmented to your potential audience. As we said, a campaign on TV is great for millions of people to get to know you, but of those millions of people, how many are going to buy your products or services? Even if the ads are programmed with the target in mind, with an online campaign you can segment your target audience much more, making the marketing action more profitable, and it is much cheaper.

2 # Professionalism: but you cannot leave this in non-professional hands, hence the importance of having a professional and serious digital marketing agency that will not leave you stranded or promise you gold and money for 4 hard.

In addition to giving you that external insight you need, his insight is unbiased.

3 # Integral: a marketing agency that in addition to SEO positioning, social media management, paid campaigns, mailing , banner design , social media designs , etc. offers you web development services is giving you a comprehensive online service of the most valuable, after all, all digital marketing begins with having an adequate online presence that goes beyond social networks, so a professional website is base.

Of course, before that you need a corporate image , so choose those who know how to develop it as well.

4 # Out of headaches : knowing how to manage an online reputation crisis is another key element. When a troll comes to touch your nose it is easy to lose your cool and that can end in a complete disaster, leave it in professional hands.

5 # Long-term relationship : a professional and responsible digital marketing agency is not going to let you down (we have said professional and responsible, we have seen everything) it is not going to disappear from one day to the next, nor is it going to be discharged . A professional marketing agency even in the event that a person fails, knows (and should know for their own sake) to seek life.

6 # Optimization of actions : a digital marketing agency not only proposes and executes online marketing campaigns, it is also in charge of monitoring, testing, analyzing and optimizing them. They know tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, social media statistics, PageSpeed ​​Insights, different tools for managing and monitoring social networks, SEO positioning, mailing, etc.

Hire a marketing agency or do it from my own company?

Of course, you know who better your own company, what you want to reflect to your potential clients, what is the mission, vision and values ​​by which you rule yourself, etc.

But some marketing professionals are going to give you an external vision of it, while of course, they are going to listen to what your needs and goals are to meet, but they are communication experts and they will know how to get your message across.

Both in terms of quality and cost savings, hiring a marketing agency is more profitable, outsourcing marketing services not only have an external vision of professionals who are constantly updated on new trends and tools, they also have strategic thinking in the medium and long term, and you as the person in charge of your business must dedicate yourself to selling your products or services and leave the rest in professional hands.

And you save the selection and hiring process, as well as many other costs associated with hiring, however, if you are billed by a marketing company, you deduct VAT.

good marketing agency wants you to make money, it depends on that they make it too!

He will develop a personalized strategy for you, that you are not his only client does not mean that he does not want you to succeed.

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