YouTube videos to learn a choreography
YouTube videos to learn a choreography

We will go to the next level with a more complicated choreography. It may be necessary to give some group or private dance classes before tackling these choreographies.
We are talking about emblematic choreographies such as Thriller , Single Ladies or Level Up , the last two being very fast.
However, some are very accessible even for beginners. This is the case of the Justin Link video of Taki Taki . In a very pedagogical way, Justin explains step by step the hip-hop choreography he creates for this song.
Similarly, you can easily learn a bachata choreography from YouTube videos. Feel free to search directly in the search engine by typing “beginner choreography + [dance style]”.
You will find a mine of videos to learn step by step rumba, modern dance or bollywood choreography . Choose according to your tastes and look at the comments before following the tutorial. A good dancer does not have to be a good teacher.
A good YouTube video to learn a choreography should include:
- Good sound and image quality : there should be no echo, you have to listen to the teacher correctly. The image must be clear, the teacher must be filmed closely, from various angles if possible.
- A pedagogical teacher : clear explanations, without too much terminology. Counted movements.
- Step-by-step learning: the choreography is cut into several parts and the teacher repeats one part several times before adding the next.
- Learn without music, then with music : movements are first learned in slow motion, then gradually accelerated to actual speed and played back with music.
Do not forget the basic principles to learn a choreography, explained in the first part of the article! YouTube videos to learn a choreography