Combine work and pleasure thanks to apps


Combine work and pleasure thanks to apps

The mobile phone or the computer are very useful tools to learn without getting bored!
The truth is that we do not agree very much with the title of this section. These phrases like “work what you like and you won’t have to work a single day” are now a bit outdated. Work is work and, if you like it, all the better.
Certainly when we are specialized in a sector and we like it, we tend to dedicate time to it in our free time. There is nothing wrong with that!
On the other hand, there are professionals who claim that a good way to fight against distractions such as mobile phones can be by using it for work, you already know the saying: if you can’t beat your enemy, join him. Indeed, there are many smartphone applications that can help you work without forgetting the playful side.
In this way, the Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics or Spanish classes will no longer seem so dense and you will be able to review in a more entertaining way than in a traditional class . Whether for the history, natural or English exam, you can use these apps.

Here is a small list of the best applications to study from home: Combine work and pleasure thanks to apps

Spanish Spelling
SelectividApp Physical
Pre-university Universal History
Mathematics in Baccalaureate
In this way, distraction (the mobile) becomes the means of study since these applications will help you study in a fun way and will prevent you from being distracted by other things.
Likewise, on the Internet you can find many pages to study from home with selectivity exam models and even solutions from previous years. The exams of all the subjects of all the communities can be found in, to be able to review the exams that have been taken in other years according to the autonomous community in which you are going to pass the selectivity.


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