Chinese customs that you have to know


Chinese customs that you have to know

The first thing that will catch your attention as soon as you land is to see people spitting on the ground . In China it is not considered disgusting and rude, although the authorities are already banning it in order to end this custom.
Never point your finger. Here in Spain it is not very well seen either, but there it is something really rude.
And the tip? No tips. The fair price for which you have to pay is the one indicated. With this custom we will not have much problem either, and the issue of tips in Spain is also quite controversial.
Another aspect in which you should train before embarking on your trip to China is how to behave at the table. The truth is that the cultural differences at the table between one country and another are an exciting world. Sipping soup making noise, for example, is not rude at all. And burp while eating either. Obviously you do not have to do it, but know that they do it without knowing how it can be perceived as something obscene.
With the use of chopsticks be a little careful: do not stick the chopsticks vertically in the rice, it will seem that you want to stab the person who so kindly served you the dish.
Take the address written down on a piece of paper when taking a taxi. Photo of Chinalati.
When it comes to driving, it cannot be said that the Chinese are in the top 10 of the best drivers. Rather the other way around. Don’t be scared when you take a taxi. Or if. You will see unthinkable things: the taxi driver smoking, talking on the phone, looking at the mobile. Put on your belt (if there is one!) And trust.
Finally, remember that when you go to another country you are a foreigner. Do not expect to find the same customs, nor the same comforts, nor the same ways of acting as in Spain. And that is mainly the charm of traveling: discovering other cultures and other ways of life.
If you need help to prepare your trip, at Superprof we have native Chinese teachers who can tell you about the area in which they grew up; do not hesitate to contact them. Chinese customs that you have to know

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