Confirmed: the Samsung Galaxy Fold will launch in September

Little more than a month remains for the Samsung Galaxy Fold to see the light. With a five-month delay and after solving the problems that caused the dry braking of its launch, initially scheduled for the month of April, now the South Korean company announces that it is all ready for its first Samsung folding smartphone to be launched. sale during the month of September.
These are the changes that have been made to the Samsung Galaxy Fold: Confirmed: the Samsung Galaxy Fold will launch in September
The changes made to the terminal have mainly touched four points. The most important, that of the controversial protective layer that could be easily removed. Now, the screen protector extends beyond the bezel and is shown as an integral part of the screen structure, so it should not be removed by the user under any circumstances.
Likewise, to better protect the device, better protection against external particles has been included, thanks to the incorporation of metallic layers under the Infinity Flex Display screen, the reinforcement of the hinges with new protective covers and the reduction of the space between hinge and body , so that external agents cannot enter the terminal.
According to what they tell us from the company itself, the Samsung Galaxy Fold has successfully passed all the tests carried out .
It will be launched in September, but we do not have an exact date
In an official statement, the company said that “all of us who are part of Samsung appreciate the support and patience that Galaxy fans around the world have had with us.” Although its release on the market in September is already confirmed, we do not have an exact date nor do we know if there will be any variation in the initial announced price (1,980 euros).