Hindu philosophy, in Snakes and ladders
Hindu philosophy, in Snakes and ladders
It is based on the achievements of a person when doing good deeds, it was a perfect game for children to learn about life
Emmanuel Ruiz | The Sun of Cuautla: Hindu philosophy,
The original dates back to 19th century India, when it was invented as part of a family of dice games.
It is played between two or more people. A single die is used. In each play it is rolled once
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Thus began the instructions of a board game that was present in the childhood of generations of Mexicans, before the appearance of cell phones. It is about Snakes and Ladders, which was previously easy to buy at any stationery store.
In Mexico, the mechanics of the game followed the life of a man: Ladders made him reach a goal, while snakes made him fail.
The origin of the game:Hindu philosophy,
The original dates back to 19th century India, when it was invented as part of a family of dice games. In those years, he was known by various names: “ mokshapatam , vaikunthapaali or paramapadasopaanam (The ladder to salvation). The expansion of this game, now considered a classic, later came to England, where it was marketed under the name: Snakes and Ladders .
Moksha patam was inspired by the Hindu philosophy of karma and kāma, that is, destiny and desire. Thus, the symbols on those canvases emphasized destiny:
The lesson was that people could achieve salvation (moksha) through good actions, while bad actions lead to reincarnation in lower life forms. Pure Hindu philosophy.
In Mexico, the board was not only in homes, but also in school libraries or classrooms; a perfect game for children to learn about morals almost without realizing it.
How do you play?
“Snakes and Ladders” is played between two or more people in turns: When it is your turn you have to throw a dice and, according to the result, advance the number of squares, hoping not to land on one that has the tail of one marked. snake, because then you would have to go back to where your head was located, if you touch a ladder you can climb to reach the goal faster.
Today, Serpents and Ladders survives in some stores, but, contrary to the Lottery (present in Mexican convivios and parties), fewer and fewer people play it.
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