Muhammad Bilal Asif complete information
Muhammad Bilal Asif complete information

Muhammad Bilal Asif complete information General information
Pakistani cricketer
Full name: Muhammad Asif
Nick name: no nick name
Date of birth: 24 September, 1985
Age: 33 years
Birth place: Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan
Weight in kg: 76kg
Height in cm and m: 1.91m
Height in feet inches: 6ft 3 in
Father name: Unknown
Mother name: unknown
Marital status: unmarried
Batting style: right handed batsman
Bowling style: right arm off break
Role bowling: all-rounder
Relation with other team member: Zahid Saeed
National side Pakistan
Bilal Asif playing in many countries with other members as a: Sialkot, Quetta, Lahore and Dubai.
Muhammad Bilal Asif complete information Introduction:
The Bilal is a cricketer of Pakistan. He was a Muslim. His full name is Muhammad Bilal Asif and his nick name is Bilal. The father name is Muhammad Asif. His live in Kuwait. The Kuwait is birth place of Bilal Asif. The all family of Bilal Asif is live in Kuwait. The Bilal Asif is great love with our family. He was feeling incomplete without our family. He was born in Sialkot in Punjab of Pakistan. The birth date is 24 September and 1985. The age of Bilal Asif is 33 years old. He loves in this place that he was born. They love with our parents. He was a cricketer but his father is an electrician. The cricket is a great dream of his father therefore the Bilal Asif is complete our father dream. He was unmarried and spends more time with his family.
Muhammad Bilal Asif complete information Overview on his life:
Bilal Asif is a good student in the class during his childhood life. He completes his primary education from primary school. He lives on place Allow Mahar Sharif village on the outskirts of Danka and close to Sialkot with family. He completes his degree of arts. Bilal Asif has many national sides like a test debut last test ODI debut last ode. He plays with Pakistani teams in different places like as Australia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe and England. He plays with Australia in 7 October 2018 as a national side of test debut. He also plays in 3 December 2018 with New Zealand as a national side is last test. He shows good performance in 3 October 2015 with Zimbabwe as a national side is ode debut (cap 206). Last ODI match was playing on 11 November 2015 with England. In august 2018 his performance was so good and he was one of the thirty three players to be awarded a central contract for the 2018 to 2019 in the Pakistani cricket team. Ten year ago Bilal Asif had almost join the Pakistan cricket team on his father advice live in Kuwait. His father work in Kuwait as electrician but lost 10 wickets for 60 runs as they slumped from a solid 142 to 202 at all. His father was back from Kuwait that give Bilal Asif third best inning figures on test debut for a Pakistani bowler behind Muhammad Asif is 7 to 64 and Muhammad Nazir is 7 to 99. He also was starting out on a different work assignment in Dubai. He was playing many match in different countries he play second match in Abu Dhabi from October 16, both team play well and show good performance. They play three test match after twenty 20 international after tests. The second session belonged to Asif, who dismissed Khawaja, Shaun marsh, Travis head and Manus Labuschagne in the space of 29 runs. His carrier statistics is so amazing he play 26 ODI test matches and 22 T20I test matches. Run scored in test is 160, in ODI run scored is 1,275 and 646 in T20I test match. Batting average in test is 80.00; in ODI is 57.95 batting average. Top score is 94 in test; in ODI is 210 and 91 in T20I.
Muhammad Bilal Asif complete information Body fitness:
The body of Bilal Asif is better than other cricketers. He was eating different things for body fitness. For body fitness they eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Because this type things is making body fit. The Bilal Asif drink milk daily with apple. They take daily exercise for body fitness. They also join for body fitness; these all type things make the body beautiful and strong. The Bilal asif is also care our diet because the diet is well body is also well. Some people eat unhealthy food therefore they also involve in different cures. But Bilal Asif is caring our diet for our body fitness.
Muhammad Bilal Asif complete information Body size:
The body size is better than other cricketers. The body height is 6 foot 3 inches. The legs are very long due to these long legs they play good performance. The arm is very long. With his long arm they caught ball very fast. The waist of Bilal Asif body is 34. The size of biceps is 12 inches.
Muhammad Bilal Asif complete information Body weight:
The body weight of Bilal Asif is 76 kilogram. The body weight is depending on our diet. The diet is perfect and body weight is well. If the body weight is loss that is not better for body of crickets. The body weight is loss and gain with following activities. The body weight is maintained by following techniques as. The cricketers are taking daily exercise, and take dieting foods for maintains of body weight. When the body weight is increase then the cricketers is not run very fast during match the breath speed and heart rate is increase due to increase body weight.
Favorite colors:
The favorite color of Bilal Asif is white and green. The white color is also present in our Pakistan flag. The green color is our Pakistan team uniform. When they wear in this type color dresses he was looking so handsome and hot. The green and white both colors are present in our Pakistan flag.
Favorite food:
He was like in eating fresh fruits and vegetables. The favorite’s dishes of Bilal asif are biryani and chicken. He was also like fast foods like burgers, pizza, hot wings and some others. He was also like vegetables if chicken is involve.
Favorite drink:
Bilal like many drinks in summer and winter seasons. In summer season he like and mostly drink mango and pine apple juice. These juice best for every person and keep fresh your mind whole day. These juices provide vitamins your mind and freshness on your face. In winter season he takes orange juice in breakfast daily. He gets up early in the morning and exercise daily for 30 minutes.
Favorite players:
The favorite player of Muhammad Bilal Asif is following as
Shahidi Afridi, Umar Akmal, Kamran Akmal, Irfan, Babar Azzam and some others. They like these players according to well performance during the match. These all players is best players of Pakistan team.
Favorite actors:
The favorite actors of Bilal Asif is following as
Solman khan, Shahrokhan, Amir Khan. These actors are act role in India but these actors are Muslim. The some actors of Pakistan are like Bilal Asif. The favorite actors of Pakistan are Saia, Reema, Shan, and some others.
Favorite songs:
The Bilal Asif like songs of Bollywood films. The Bilal Asif hears songs when they are tired and upset. The songs give freshmen of our mind and away every tensions from our mind.
Favorite place:
The favorite place of Bilal Asif is Europe and England. The Bilal Asif is spent time with family on this place. These places are more beautiful than other places. Sometime he was coming with friends for enjoying.
Favorite day:
The favorite day of Bilal Asif is Friday. The Friday is a great day for Muslims in a week. The Friday is a most important day for Muslim. Therefore the Bilal Asif is a Muslim and they like the day of Friday. In Friday every person goes to Mosque for Names-e-Jumma. The Nampa-e-Jumma is necessary for all Muslims.
Favorited color:
The favorite color of Bilal Asif is green color, sky blue, yellow and black. In this color dresses he was looking very beautiful and handsome. The Bilal Asif wear dresses of this color in different functions and parties.
The hobbies of Muhammad Bilal Asif is following as
- Watching football match
- Playing cricket
- Playing video games
- Visit of historical place
- Gardening for time pass
- Reading of history books.
Bad habits:
The bad habits are not occurring in Bilal Asif. The Bilal Asif is not drink bear, Vicky, and not takes smoking and any type drugs. Because these type things cannot use of cricketers. These all things are most harmful for cricketers. The persons that are taking this type drugs he cannot take parts for cricketers in Pakistan team. And these all things are not allow for Muslims.
Social media profile:
The social media profile is every cricketer is used for world information with peoples contact. The Bilal Asif is used some important profiles as
- Instar gram
- Twitter handle
- And some other web sites as Wikipedia and encyclopedia.
The salary of Muhammad Bilal Asif is 300,000RS. The Bilal Asif not waist our salary in other illegals activities. The Bilal Asif used our salary in different types work.