What is a blog for – PetsPedia

What is a blog for

To generate money writing for the internet, continue reading I will explain how

Welcome to the first part of How to be a Blogger and make money

A blog is used to generate money, brand presence, audience and a lot of attention as an independent and proper means of communication for brands or for anyone.

ATTENTION: A BLOGGER is not the same as a VIDEO BLOGGER (VLOGGER) one writes and the other records videos, but stay because there is money in both.

What is a Blogger? 

A Blogger is a professional dedicated to the creation of WRITTEN content on the internet, commonly called articles, news, columns, publications, entries, etc.

If you know someone who thinks of Bloggers as geeks / ninis or (even worse) if they think that  “they are the ones who upload videos to Yo-tubb ” help me share this because I am already bad for so much ignorance.

A blog has multiple uses, for brands or companies, having one attracts the attention of customers / users, making them become notorious. For example, clothing brands blog articles such as  “10 fashion trends on Instagram 2019”  that type of posts attracts clothing buyers who, undoubtedly, at some point will consume what is recommended.

This generates formal and professional employment for Bloggers. In fact blogging is a huge form of business, sites like sopitas.com or collective culture make the most of this blogger resource.

How to win money with a blog

There are freelance bloggers, who create their own sites to give people valuable information.

Platforms such as Facebook or Google pay Bloggers for their content on a monthly basis depending on the number of visits or clicks they generate. 

It is a great business, the Blogger attracts people, Google or Facebook show them ads, the ads help the brands to sell and if it is sold, then the owner of the brand continues to pay for ads, money and the blogger receives more money and so on. …

How does a blog work? 

Ideally, a blog should be allusive to a specific topic to achieve better interest. However, there are mixed sites that do generate more traffic but the work is also greater.

The premise is to gain visits to your articles, this is achieved by detecting the topics that people need, as long as they fit within the blog’s theme.

The more visits you generate, the more money but also the more contracts with brands you can secure or even more public you can gather to sell them something.

What does it take to be a Blogger? 

First of all you need a space to write; be hired by a brand or medium BUT if you want to earn money on your part you must build your own blog page (very cheap and accessible) do not forget to subscribe since soon I will upload the second part where I explain this.

If you know people at the level of knowing where they click, where they look, what places they frequent, you have much more elements to gain readers and visits.

SEO is also optimizing your website and understanding the logic of Google or Facebook to reach more people.

Being a Blogger is a mega-purposeful job since its success depends on how much you help others, that has saved lives, educated millions of people, has taken careers off the ground and even, I do not doubt that it has ever saved the world.

  • Part Two : How to Start a Blog and Monetize It
  • Third part: Generate traffic to your blog
  • Fourth part: The best and cheapest hosting to create a blog

So far my entry, please do not forget to follow me on my social networks and subscribe to my channel on YouTube, I am very excited to be able to talk with you and help you as much as I can, without further ado for the moment, we will read later.


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