Everything you need to know if you want to move to Germany


Everything you need to know if you want to move to Germany

BlogLanguagesGermanLive in Germany to Learn German: Everything you need to know if you want to move to Germany

Basic phrases in German
Essential expressions in German
Learn German in Berlin
Top 5 German student cities
The ranking of the best German universities
The advantages of working in Germany
The German mentality at work
Each time more Spaniards want to go  to the  foreigner.  Whether for work, to study or simply to discover a new culture, the idea attracts many young people.
One of the countries that most choose to live this experience is Germany. Do you want to go to Germany to  discover German,  to look for work or because you want to study abroad? Do you want to learn with an online German course ? Here’s everything you need to know before packing!

Basic phrases in German: Everything you need to know if you want to move to Germany

Don’t you know German? Don’t worry, you go there to learn!
However, before you go, you should know some basic phrases in German to be able to communicate minimally with people.
Learn some basic phrases before you go to Germany!

Here is a short list of basic vocabulary: Everything you need to know if you want to move to Germany

Hello: Guten Tag!
My name is Angela: Ich heiße Angela
Yes: ha
No: nein
How are you ?: Wie geht es dir?
I don’t speak German: Ich spreche kein Deutsch
Do you speak Spanish ?: Sprechen Sie Spanisch?
I don’t understand: Ich verstehe das nicht .
It is best to start with German classes for beginners . You will not regret.

Essential expressions in German

You already know how to say hello and introduce yourself, but can’t you ask for directions, look for a hotel or order food in a restaurant? Here is a short survival guide in German :
Where is Kafka Street ?:  Wo ist die Straße Kafka?
Can I have the letter ?: Kann ich dans Menü ansehen?
Can I have a beer, please? Kann Ich ein Bier haben, bitte?
Do you have rooms available ?: Sindh einige Zimmer Frei?
Is there Internet access ?: Kann ich das Internet benutzen?
What time is it? =  Wie spät ist is?
What is it called? =  Wie heißen Sie?
Could you repeat it more slowly, please? =  Können Sie langsamer wiederholen, bitte?
Before you go to Germany, do not hesitate to review all the basic German vocabulary and, above all, take a dictionary or a notebook with useful words and phrases .

Learn German in Berlin

Among the motivations for going to Germany,  learning to speak German is one of them. And Berlin, the capital, is usually a popular destination , both for studying and for work.
Why Berlin?
The German capital is internationally known for  its urban culture.  Its street-inspired artistic side creates a very attractive environment for foreigners.
Avant-garde and capital of electronic music,  Berlin is also known for being cheap. It’s great for all budgets, and you can eat well for very little.

Being a student in Berlin: Everything you need to know if you want to move to Germany

In Berlin, there are students from all countries due to its festive atmosphere.
Apart from that, the German capital offers many advantages. First of all, the cost of living is low . For example, while renting an apartment in Madrid can cost you around 800 euros, in Berlin it will only cost you 300 euros per month!

Do you want to study in Berlin?: Everything you need to know if you want to move to Germany

But first you have to  find a German university in Berlin  that participates in an exchange program like the Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, which even takes care of accommodation.
You can also go on Erasmus. You will improve your German quickly and experience a total immersion in German culture .

Finding work to live in Berlin: Everything you need to know if you want to move to Germany

If you already have some knowledge of the Goethe language, you can  progress in German by  finding a job in Berlin.
Your command of Spanish will be a great advantage in the field of tourism (hotel receptionist, for example) or fast food. You like children? Well, you can also be an au pair  with a German family.
There are many options: choose the one that suits you best!

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