The most appropriate training to be a coach


The most appropriate training to be a coach

Whichever training you choose, your passion is what will make you a boxing coach!
There are several training options available to become a boxing coach. Find out which studies are recommended to become a boxing teacher quickly and easily!
To be able to teach boxing classes in a regulated and legal way, it is essential that you obtain the title of boxing coach . With this diploma, you will be able to certify your knowledge and abilities to teach other people to practice this combat sport.
To obtain the title of boxing coach, you can achieve three different levels :
Boxing Coach Level I or Boxing Monitor Course : Equivalent to basic education.
Level II boxing coach or territorial coach : equivalent to high school.
Boxing Trainer or National Trainer Level III : Equivalent to higher education.
The most important thing when signing up for one of these courses is that it is approved by the Higher Sports Council, the Spanish Boxing Federation or the corresponding Autonomous Federation.

Boxing coach level I or boxing instructor course: The most appropriate training to be a coach

This initial course is the basic teaching to be a boxing coach . In order to enroll in this initial boxing monitor course, you must have an amateur boxer qualification , in addition to passing the level test , be over 16 years old and have an ESO degree.
This course is usually developed in three parts: two of theory and the last one of practice . On the other hand, after passing it, it is mandatory to do a series of practical hours to complement the training.

Level II Boxing Trainer or Territorial Trainer: The most appropriate training to be a coach

With this boxing course, the intermediate level title of boxing coach is obtained : that of regional coach, also called territorial coach. To obtain this title, the student must meet two essential requirements :
Have the title of Boxing Monitor that we talked about just before, so you must have passed level I previously.
Depending on the autonomous community, it is mandatory to have completed at least 140 hours of practice in a club or gym, which must be certified by the center.

Level III Boxing Trainer or National Trainer

This is the highest level that a professional boxing coach can achieve. This course empowers the student to train throughout the national territory. To obtain the level III accrediting diploma, only two requirements are required :
Have the level II title.
Have carried out the practices requested by the Spanish Boxing Federation.

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