Bodybuilding: situations and positions that should be prohibited in your personal training – PetsPedia

Bodybuilding: situations and positions that should be prohibited in your personal training


Bodybuilding: situations and positions that should be prohibited in your personal training

The shoulder is one of the most unstable joints in the human body …
Unfortunately, it is also the most exercised in bodybuilding in terms of the upper body, for example when you work the biceps, the delts or when you do the exercise known as the bench press for the pecs.
During the bodybuilding sessions, do not forget to stop the movement at the moment when the shoulder stump rises and exceeds 90º in amplitude. Be careful, do not go any further …

This is part of the mistakes that should not be made in bodybuilding !: Bodybuilding: situations and positions that should be prohibited in your personal training

The face pull should also be avoided if you do not fully master the movement as it could damage the scapular joint. A personal trainer at home or in a gym , will show the right moves and above all, what they can do not exceed the comprehensiveness!
The bench press is an essential exercise to develop your pecs, but it also considers the set of mistakes that you should not make. Squats, which you practice as a muscle reinforcement or in a ‘Cross-Fit’ type program, have to be well mastered so you don’t injure your back. Remember to keep your back straight, it’s up to you to get dreamy thighs and buttocks, as well as a beautiful silhouette that you can wear in a swimsuit next summer!
The bench press requires good technique to properly work your pecs. You can be accompanied by a good “spotter” or observer, for greater security
In general, warm up all the areas that you are going to work during your training session with weight training equipment and do not hesitate to consult a personal trainer to determine the weight you can use.
Think long term, you will never be able to lift 200 kg in one push during the first session! The key is in the progression!
If you advise people of a certain age, you have to know that bodybuilding is not contraindicated. In fact, there are studies showing that muscle strengthening may fight sarcopenia (degenerative loss of muscle mass and strength with aging or sedentary life) and strengthen bone and tendon structures.
With the aging of the population, why not develop specific classes for senior gymnastics?
Do you live in the city of Barcelona? Go ahead and enroll in Superprof as  a personal trainer barcelona !


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