Boxing exercise: how to prepare a fight? – PetsPedia

Boxing exercise: how to prepare a fight?


Boxing exercise: how to prepare a fight?

We all have in mind a certain fight of a great professional boxing champion that has given us goosebumps …
But such glory is still not within our reach … After numerous long and rough training sessions, we have finally managed – according to our federated instructors – to be able to really face a challenger .
The wait is long when you are in a hurry to confront a real, flesh-and-blood adversary. But your stomach will surely clench with excitement as the date in question approaches …
The stress generated makes you want to let off steam, an impulse that you will nevertheless have to contain so as not to tire yourself excessively in the days before the fight.
The workouts of the last week must be especially light in order to conserve all of our energy power . The start and the push on the key day are really important in the outcome of hostilities.
Take the opportunity to work on your hitting technique and learn to stay calm: a good bath from time to time or listening to classical music make up pleasant pauses that your mind will thank you when the time comes.
Some sports disciplines require the use of a genital protector.
Eat healthy and watch your weight so as not to leave the weight category in which you are located – if not, you will be disqualified ipso facto.
Try by all (legal) means to inform yourself about your opponent’s boxing : secret blows, favorite sequences, weak points, major blows, temperament, current form, combat style …
Here, you will realize that having videos of yourself all over the web while boxing is not necessarily a good idea … all your future opponents will be able to get an accurate idea of ​​your attitude in the ring.
Of course, although there is a lot of tension, you will have to warm up properly and do not hesitate to talk to your coach, who will know how to advise and encourage you before, during and after the match. Boxing exercise: how to prepare a fight?

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