How to calculate your effort capacity? – PetsPedia

How to calculate your effort capacity?


How to calculate your effort capacity?

It is essential that obese people avoid junk food and opt for fresh and high-fiber products such as vegetables and fruits
We tend to forget, but the most dangerous moment in which cardiovascular accidents usually occur is when we resume a sporting activity.
That is why, to prevent instead of having to cure later, we can resort to a battery of stress tests to calculate our metabolism before resuming physical and sports activity. However, you can always consult an online personal trainer for advice.
At the top of the list of people most prone to heart attacks or episodes are men over 40 years of age while doing physical exercise.
Therefore, it is advisable that any type of symptom (palpitations, breathing difficulties, chest pains) is present, and you have a genetic background or if you are a high-level athlete; You go to the doctor.
This test consists of a series of physical exercises (bicycle session, treadmill running) that gradually intensify.
During a medical analysis, the electrical activity of vital organs such as the heart and vascular system is analyzed, and thus the possible abnormalities appear.
The reference test for evaluating effort capacity in Ruffier Dickson’s. How to calculate your effort capacity?


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