How to lose weight online?
How to lose weight online?
With the rise of B2C ( Business to Customer , a strategy that companies develop to directly reach customers or end consumers) and digital solutions, online weight loss advice websites have multiplied.
“Following a weight loss regimen does not mean you have to deprive yourself of everything.”
Since confinement, the need to be able to do some type of physical activity at home has become almost more important if possible: solutions to lose weight quickly, play sports to burn the maximum number of calories a day, programs to find a healthy diet … .
Whether taking sports coaching classes online, consulting some web pages, or with mobile applications or social media influencers , the truth is that losing weight does not seem like anything from another world.
When you are overweight or obese, practicing sports to lose weight is, on the other hand, a daily matter that requires a lot of motivation.
First of all, you will have to start by defining what your goals are.
Using digital media to lose weight implies knowing how far you want to go.
With what sport will you lose weight, what goals do you want to achieve (waist size, flat stomach, buttocks and abs drawn, etc.) and in how long.
The objectives are usually qualified under an acronym: SMARTE : specific (specific), measurable (measurable), achievable (achievable), relevant (relevant), timely (temporary) and ecological ( ecological).
We must aim for a weight loss program that is measurable and realistic enough to be successful in your weight loss plan.
For example, losing 40 kilos in a month is neither accessible nor realistic.
Write your new goal on a piece of paper (tone muscle, eat less sugar and carbohydrates, strengthen your abdomen, lower your belly, etc.). Next, find out which online solutions are the most suitable. How to lose weight online?