The best types of boxing to lose weight – PetsPedia

The best types of boxing to lose weight


The best types of boxing to lose weight

How to lose weight safely? By letting off steam and burning off the calories at the boxing club! And even better if you can go several times a week, every Thursday and Monday, for example.
“Wow! In 6 months of boxing, I have lost 12 kilos! »
To do boxing is to erect an impregnable wall against being overweight. Because during a workout, the body is subject to a significant caloric expenditure , which makes it possible to burn fat to transform it into muscle. Muscle mass is gained, but weight loss is likely to occur as well.
This is the magic effect of boxing: you can lose weight while gaining a flat stomach and a sculpted, toned body. Boxing will allow you to reach your ideal weight and have a normal body mass index (BMI).
Ok, but what kind of boxing do you have to practice to lose weight ? Boxing, whatever it is, will make you sweat, tone your body and build deep muscles. It is a sport that allows you to shape the body.
However, scientific studies show that one hour a week is not enough. A 90 minute session would burn, on average, around 1,230 calories and cause a weight loss of 0.55 kg per month with one session per week.
In addition, weight loss follows an arithmetic or linear progression: the more you go to the gym, the more weight you will lose, so you can lose 2.18 kg per month if you do 4 weekly workouts.
Of course, there is a stabilization of the weight, a threshold where one stops losing weight: it is the ideal weight!
To really lose weight quickly thanks to boxing, we recommend at least two sessions per week : enough to lose 1 kg of fat per month! The best types of boxing to lose weight

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