Training guide for cross training – PetsPedia

Training guide for cross training


Training guide for cross training

Training the  cross training is so intense that increase the amount of calories burned and help you lose fat and transform fat into muscle .
What is the iconic instrument of cross training? The Kettle Bell.
To achieve this, you will need a survival kit of essential cross training tools : barbell, kettle ball, jump rope (to warm up), dumbbells and, in the best case, a barbell station.
You don’t need more! You don’t need a sophisticated bodybuilding machine for which you have to almost mortgage yourself …

These are the typical exercises of cross training sessions : Training guide for cross training

The squat jump : to work thighs, glutes, abs. It is practiced in suspension, with a rope or a TRX.
Climbing: hanging, it is ideal for muscular biceps and triceps.
The paddle: 2 heavy weights are placed on one paddle. You have to push it with your legs in a straight line.
The box jump: jump with your feet together over a wooden box or a step.
Boxing: with a punching bag, alternating a left kick and then two right and left punches, then a right kick, etc.
The bar: the famous “pull-up” to work the muscles.
Kettle ball exercises.
Dips with two chairs.
The iron.
The chair against a wall: back straight, legs parallel to 90 degrees and shins perpendicular to the floor, hold this position for a minute or two.
In the warm-up sessions, obviously we will not do the same exercises.
The transnational seller Decathlon has recently launched a bodybuilding blog (probably to better position itself in this market …), and now provides useful advice on this sport.
For example, we can follow the typical sports program, which covers more than 4 weeks of cross training .
You will find examples of sequences, for example, 5 rounds of 15 Russian swings , 15 knees to elbow (knees to elbows), 5 push press with kettle belss , 15 squats or squats, 5 pull up , 10 push up , 10 burpees , etc. .
Make sure to alternate legs and arms to work both sides!

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