What are the most beautiful Arab cities?


What are the most beautiful Arab cities?

To learn to speak Arabic, you can always sign up for classes, but it is not a bad idea for you to travel and get to know the countries where this language is spoken to soak up their language and culture.
We could make an endless list to include all the most beautiful Arab cities in the world , but we must say that some stand out above others due to various factors.
One of the most prominent cities is Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates . It is an accessible, beautiful and welcoming city. This political and industrial center of the country, the third city of the country has developed enormously throughout the 20th century.
Some cities are a pure reflection of the history of the Arab world. This is the case of Beirut (in Lebanon) or Amman (in Jordan), two jewels of Arab culture , where living languages ​​have never done so much honor to their name.
A little closer to us is the Maghreb. Between Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt (among others), we find various tourist enclaves in which to enjoy the sun, the culture and the Arab language.
A trip, a total immersion.
Take Cairo as an example, where, beyond the pyramids and the ancient museum, we find a vast metropolis, the capital of the country, in which different dialects and communities coexist. We are talking about a territory of contrasts, where learning Arabic becomes child’s play.
A few kilometers away there is also Morocco, a wild land as well as a tourist one. Fez is a simple and beautiful place that can serve as a gateway to Arab culture. In this imperial city full of colors, a very interesting dialect Arabic is spoken for those who want to get started in this language.
Another essential city in Morocco is Essaouira, the spiritual capital of the country. This small Berber port city is within everyone’s reach. Its historical heritage places a Semitic culture and language within our reach. Its medina has been part of the Unesco World Heritage since 2001 and its maritime atmosphere makes it a unique enclave.
If we consider The Arabian Nights , Arabic literature or the advent of the oriental arts, we realize that the Arab world offers us a lot of cultural treasures that we cannot miss. Maghreb, Middle East or Middle East: any place is good to immerse yourself in Bedouin, Tunisian, Persian culture… So what do you say? Do you dare to take a little trip?
Get ready for adventure with our Arabic courses and, if you live in the capital, don’t miss our Arabic course . What are the most beautiful Arab cities?

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