Procedures to go to China
Procedures to go to China
Do you want to go to Beijing to celebrate the Chinese New Year or be among the many citizens who want to admire the country with their own eyes?
Visiting China requires lengthy administrative procedures.
To apply for a visa to visit China , you must go to the Chinese Embassy in Spain, an easily accessible place for those who live in Madrid and its surroundings.
On the contrary, residents of small towns will have to go to the capital or hire an agency to take care of these administrative procedures for a price of around € 50.
To obtain a visa to go to China, you must present: Procedures to go to China
A duly completed form.
A photocopy of hotel reservations or a certificate of accommodation from an establishment.
An international insurance certificate.
A work or education certificate.
A family certificate and the family book (if you visit the family).
The same if you visit a friend, but with even more details.
A residence permit in Spain (if you don’t have a Spanish passport).
A certificate from the agency or tour operator (if you have hired an agency).
The procedures for living, working or studying in China and obtaining a valid Chinese visa are much more complex. The easiest, of course, is to find out at the embassies and talk to your future boss about the process.
Pack your bags and discover the Chinese world right now!